
The Gravy Day barbecue

Happy Gravy Day. Bev’s Home Group, Ardoch 1984. Sorry, my haircut was far too embarrassing for me to provide a close-up. At a rather good barbecue today (obviously before the rain came pouring down) I had a couple of blasts from the past, back from almost 20 years ago, those heady days of year 7  ... [More]

Home life


Thump, thump, thump. I had just woken up, and was staggering around the kitchen when I heard it. The unmistakable sound of feet on the roof. Thump, thump. I knew it well from the old place where I lived, where a stream of workmen would thump across the top of the building, especially in the  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Working life

Disturbing, smug, sorted

Yesterday’s most disturbing sight: seeing others working here (not necessarily workmates, as I don’t work with them, just near them) dressing up as Matrix characters. One woman as Carrie Anne Moss in the full black leather(ish) getup, one bloke doing a less fully-encompassing but nonetheless distinct Keanu. Disappointingly no martial arts moves, but the image  ... [More]

Doctor Who

The Space Museum

In this Doctor Who adventure from 1965, the time travellers visit Federation Square…

News and events


Billy Joel on the capture of Saddam Hussein: I don’t care what consequence it brings I have been a fool for lesser things I want you so bad I think you ought to know that I intend to hold you for the longest time (Overheard this morning from the railway station kiosk man’s radio as  ... [More]



This arvo I went down to the local electrical warehouse place and bought an evaporative cooler. So far I’ve tried it out only to the extent that I can on a day which is patently not hot. And my conclusion is… well, it blows out a heap of cold air. Which is a good thing.  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones


She has incredible eyes. And hair. In fact, all of her is beautiful. She has a smile that is never far away, and a fabulous sense of humour and laugh to go with it. She laughs at all my jokes. Except the bad ones that don’t deserve laughing at. She is my age, give or  ... [More]



Spotted on North Road the other day, a letter missing from a the big sign atop a hot chicken restaurant, making it: RED ROOTER. Hopefully the kids didn’t know why it was so funny.

Consumerism Melbourne TV

Too damn hot

Too damn hot yesterday. And last night. I’m going to go evaporative cooler shopping. There’s a parent at the school who looks like Billy Connolly when he was in his beardless phase, complete with the windswept and interesting long grey hair. But he has an Australian accent. There’s another parent at the school who looks  ... [More]


Word of the week

The word of the week is: ameliorate. a-mel-io-rate. To make or become better; improve. No, it didn’t come up in the spelling bee on Spellbound (at least not that I noticed). I’ve spotted it in two separate news articles I’ve read today. Okay so one was a few weeks old, but oh well: A Melbourne  ... [More]

Consumerism Film

Instant movie review: Spellbound

Spellbound: documentary following 8 fourteen-year-old American kids getting to the national Spelling Bee finals. The tension mounts as the competition goes on, and along the way there are some genuinely funny moments (well done to the Hooters restaurant people for cheering their local competitor with a big "CONGRADULATIONS" sign) as well as providing an insight  ... [More]

Doctor Who

The next step in law enforcement

You’ve heard of Robocop… well the next step after that is… Police Dalek! (Courtesy of Isaac’s vivid imagination)