Geek Working life

Lessons to be learnt

I learnt two important lessons today. This’ll get a bit geeky, but when I got into work this morning, my PC was off. Odd, I left it on. With the screen turned off (that’s the manual power saving feature in Windows NT 4) but definitely on. So I booted ‘er up. But I couldn’t logon  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Working life

Growing up, and meetings

Isaac on his first day of school Isaac started school today, an event which he enjoyed, but which left him rather sapped of energy by the end of the day. Everything’s going so fast. It seems like only yesterday that he was a tiny baby popping out into the world for the first time. After  ... [More]

Home life Working life

The home office

While other Australians are off seeing the world, some of them journeying off to obtain the world championship titles in cricket, netball, hockey, rugby union, baseball or tennis, I’m just sitting at home. Working from home in fact. Yep, new job, new challenges. I only started doing this a couple of weeks ago, so it’s  ... [More]

Working life


At work today, typing mid-sentence I started to type the word functionality. I stopped after a few letters, because it was all coming out wrong: the first letter was missing, and the order of the next four letters got muddled, resulting in a word that quite definitely should not be in a system design document…

Europe 1999 ??????????? Working life


Discussion over lunch last Thursday… DT: So, why are you going to Italy? DB: My wife’s learning Italian. DT: Well, there’s no better place to learn Italian. Apart from Lygon Street perhaps. DB: You’re right! Lygon Street! Cancel the tickets, we’re going to Lygon Street! DT: Lygon Street has it all. DB: Apart from the  ... [More]

Working life


Today when I went to work, the work I went to was in a different spot from the work I went to on Friday. That is to say, the esteemed company I work for has moved offices. Not very far – in fact, such a short distance that you have to wonder why they bothered:  ... [More]

Working life


Noted outside Glen Huntly tram depot: A ragged, tattered, torn, bedraggled flag, proclaiming "A quality endorsed company".

Health Working life


My boss is a pretty good guy, but he’s the type who gets stressed easily. I think it’s because he manages to involve himself in virtually every aspect of his company, down to the kind of level of detail which strictly speaking he doesn’t really need to worry about. Well, on Thursday night he had  ... [More]

Working life

The last lunch

Well, the last day of my current contract job is tomorrow. I have found another one to take its place in the near future – just after Easter to be precise. Apart from making sure I submit all my final timesheets and invoices and clearing my desk, there’s one other important event on The Last  ... [More]

Working life

Reading the paper

Regular readers of my diary will probably have deduced for themselves that work is going exceedingly well at the moment. It’s easy to work this out because I haven’t been complaining about it, not like some of the previous contract jobs I’ve worked at. Sadly, it would seem that this job is coming to an  ... [More]

Geek Working life

Daniel is happy

I’m in an astoundingly good mood today. My week started off really crappily. You know the saga… boring job doing literally nothing… contracted until 21/11… can’t escape early. But no matter, ‘cos I got the most brilliant news last night. For the first time in the universe’s recorded history, somebody is going to pay me  ... [More]

Working life


Those people selling The Big Issue can be quite innovative. It’s a wonder some of them aren’t earning large amounts of money in advertising. On the steps of the GPO today at lunchtime, I found a skinhead selling it doing the Macarena to attract attention. If I’d had $2 in change, I would have bought  ... [More]