An update about my colleague who lost his laptop computer on Friday the 13th last month. A couple of weeks later he was playing with his kids in the front yard when a male youth walked past on the footpath. With a laptop under his arm. Colleague recognised the laptop, ran after him and rugby ... [More]
Category: Health
Size matters
The zip on one of my favourite pairs of Levis self-destructed the other week, so time to buy a new pair. Something I learnt working in the menswear shop during my high school and uni years was that there are an inordinate number of ways of measuring the size of a pair of trousers. There’s ... [More]
A long time school friend’s mum died of cancer on Thursday. Such a horrible thing for their family, all I can do is pass on condolences from my family. Film crew blocking off Hardware Street on Saturday, making me more late for lunch than I had previously been. Crowd control consisted of a woman in ... [More]
Things I discovered when giving blood on Thursday: weight 70kg, which is down a couple of kilos, though I don’t feel any thinner. I may use it as an excuse to eat more chocolate haemoglobin count is 16.5 (dunno what it’s measured in, but whatever it is, there’s 16.5 of them, hooray for all of ... [More]
Tony Abbott has beenappointed the new head-kicking Minister for Health, and is getting a baptism of fire with the current debate over hospital funding and medical indemnity. So with that in mind, here is a short rant about health insurance from Daniel Bowen, private citizen. I have private health insurance. Government policy practically makes it ... [More]
Hey Daniel Yeah? You need to go to the toilet. Now. Do I? Okay. Ooh. That doesn’t feel right. I wonder if I’m okay. Hey Daniel Yeah? Toilet again. So soon? And do you have a bucket handy? Yeah I think so. Grab it. Okay. What for… oohhhh… oohh dear… bleaaarrrrgghhh…. Well now. That’s a ... [More]
I’m not feeling too crash hot today. The soreness from Saturday’s walk has just about worn off (and leaves me thinking that in future more regular, gentler exercise is needed to gear up for such a full-on experience). But it’s mostly the remnants of last night. There’s two reasons one might be clutching their stomach, ... [More]
My stupid thing per day count on Wednesday got up to 2. Or another way you could look at it was that I tested the effectiveness of a peeler and my front door lock, and found them both to be excellent in what they do. Firstly I was peeling potatoes. I’d just finished the last ... [More]
What more do you want? Blood?
I feel a bit drained today. Must be because I gave blood last night. Boom boom. It had been years since I’d given blood. The Blood Bank‘s hours aren’t exactly convenient for me. Then I happened to hear that the mobile blood bank would be paying a visit to my neck of the woods, so ... [More]
The UberDentist
Yesterday I went for the third of my appointments with the dentist. Actually he’s an ÜberDentist, a gum specialist, who as I’ve remarked before, resembles Uncle Arthur. Though now I think about it, he looks and speaks more like Glenn from Play School. His office is on the 12th floor of a building in Collins ... [More]
The box
There’s something that nobody ever warns you about before you have kids. And that is that kids (or at least both of my boys) have a quite incredible ability to – well, let’s be quite blunt about this – bring their limbs into painful contact with my bollocks. The number of times that both of ... [More]
They say that careless talk costs lives. Well, I want the head of whoever called at 8pm tonight. Allow me to elucidate. At 8pm tonight, I was attempting to get the youngest of my two sons to bed. Jeremy, just over one year old, was in my arms, just dropping off as I gently rocked ... [More]