
Book reviews

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson — I finished this some time ago, but realised I forgot to rate it. A multi-stranded adventure through modern technology and WW2, following numerous related characters. Obviously codes and cyphers and other geeky sciences form an important part of the plot, but it doesn’t get too bogged down in mathematical detail,  ... [More]


KAOS has finally won

Today I rang up my accountant to make an appointment. “Don’t tell me you want to do your tax.” “I want to do my tax.” “I asked you not to tell me that.” It seems the influence of Maxwell Smart has even reached accountants. Vale Agent 86. (How come Gilligan didn’t get this much attention?)


Movie reviews

Robots — This had its amusing moments. It didn’t suck. But it fails my “if it were the only thing playing on a long plane flight, would I watch it?” test. It wasn’t engaging. It wasn’t interesting. I felt little sympathy for the characters. It felt like a poor man’s Monsters Inc. Uninspired. Wallace and  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Sport

The trophy and the baby

Since Rob, not I, won Tony’s footy tipping competition this year, yesterday it was my melancholy duty to give Rob the World’s Ugliest Trophy. You can tell from the look on my face how disappointed I was to give it over. (Pic by Tony) In happier news yesterday, my friends Josh and Cathy’s baby arrived.  ... [More]



I got a survey to do in the mail. Not one of those silly lifestyle surveys, preparing you to be bombarded with advertising, but an anonymous university-based one: the Australian Survey of Social Attitudes. It was interesting stuff. It asked about my views on such issues as immigration, education, government spending, the war in Iraq.  ... [More]

Consumerism Melbourne transport TV

Plugs for friends and good causes

A few plugs for things spotted recently… Gardens A while back I was getting a couple of enterprising students, Keith and David, to do my mowing. They’d turn up with their dad driving a stationwagon full of gardening implements of destruction, and do the gardening. But a couple of months ago they bowed out, saying  ... [More]

Culture Health

Near death experiences

A couple of weeks ago I caught a programme on Compass about near death experiences. (Compass may be billed as a religious show, but contrary to what you might think, isn’t always deadly dull and boring. They have some quite interesting stuff.) I’ve long been interested in what might be out there after death. The  ... [More]


The footy tipping trophy

I’ve written a guest piece over on Tony’s blog, about the footy tipping trophy.


Look Both Ways

Look Both Ways: A man walks in front of a train and is killed, an all-too common event these days. The story follows the events in the weekend afterwards, for the victim’s girlfriend, a witness, a journalist, a photographer, their editor, and the train driver. It reminded me a lot of Lantana, seeing that one  ... [More]

Melbourne TV


Yesterday morning. The crowd stood there, in front of the old Treasury building, holding their banners aloft. “Viva the revolution!” the banners proclaimed. I looked closer. Nobody was moving. No shouting. No cops. Just a lone security guard. A boom mic loomed above them. A car was in the middle of the crowd. A shout:  ... [More]


Fight Club

Fight Club — The first rule of Fight Club is don’t talk about Fight Club! But I will. Fight Club has been on my (long) list of “great movies that came out ages ago but for some reason I didn’t see when they were new”. I must have been busy at the time. A colleague  ... [More]

Home life Video games

Rain brings on the aliens

I had it all worked out — 15 more minutes mucking about, then we’d go outside. I’d bring my laundry in off the line — it would be about dry — the kids could jump on the trampoline, or get their bikes out, whatever. 15 minutes later I glanced outside. It was pouring with rain.  ... [More]