I’m finally getting caught up in the spirit. Despite a general attitude of Bah! Humbug! towards organised sport (with the exception of footy tipping, kick-to-kick, watching the cricket and street cricket), I decided to get some Commonwealth Games tickets. I was spurred on by the kids getting bombarded with Commonwealth Games propaganda and it being ... [More]
Category: Culture
TV, movies, music, that kind of thing
Mulholland Drive
It’s been almost two years since we went looking unsuccessfully for Mulholland Drive on DVD. Kept looking for it during that time, but no luck, apart from one aged looking VHS copy spotted recently. Finally though, a copy turned up on DVD. Oh, the anticipation. By about midway through, I was beginning to wonder what ... [More]
Aaron Sorkin, you are a genius
Have I mentioned how much I like The West Wing? It’s coming back onto Australian TV in a fortnight, at the rather more acceptable hour of 9:30 Thursdays on the ABC, starting with season 4. The problem is I’m only two-thirds of the way through season 2 in the DVDs my sister lent me. Which ... [More]
At the Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan, they’ve built a copy of Flinders Street Station from ice: (via Rod) The Grauniad have done a London tube map of 20th century music. Full version here
A classic comes to an end
“Classic” Doctor Who repeats finish tonight on the ABC, after running almost every episode still in existence over the past 2 1/2 years. It’s funny to think they started just before the new series was announced. It was also a few months after I had introduced my kids to the show (with DVDs and old ... [More]
I’ve done a lot of TV interviews on location, but never in a studio, until today. Community TV station Channel 31 did an interview for tonight’s “C News Focus” story on public transport. The interviewer guy asked a couple of curly questions, so hopefully I acquitted myself well. It airs at 10:15pm. A few observations: ... [More]
Margaret Preston
If you want to see the Margaret Preston exhibit at the Ian Potter Centre/National Gallery of Victoria, you’ve got until Sunday. Marita and I went on Australia Day — a good escape from the heat. Good stuff, a reminder that Preston didn’t just do floral illustrations (though they were certainly prominent) but also dabbled in ... [More]
Holiday movies
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire — Good stuff. I’m not sure if I agree with the other reviews saying it’s the best HP movie ever, but I really enjoyed it. It’s not really worthy of the M15+ rating the OFLC gave it. Had to chuckle at the (probably unintentional) Doctor Who references: the ... [More]
A little project originally I started about two years ago — to move my entire online diary (which goes back to 1994) into WordPress — has finally been completed. I’ll spare you the boredom of the details of trying to write programs to convert the old handwritten HTML into something I could import, and instead ... [More]
Happy Gravy Day
Happy Gravy Day everyone. May you and yours all be together for Christmas.
Angels and Demons
Dan Brown: Angels and Demons. (Disclaimer: I was forced to read this.) The good: after a plodding start, the plot did get interesting, and exciting enough that I wanted to keep reading and find out what happened. Nice twist at the end. The bad: Wooden, two-dimensional characters. Romantic scenes written like Mills and Boon. Spelling ... [More]
Astonishing literary discovery of the week
Astonishing literary discovery of the week: in the US version of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day it referred to Australia, not Timbuktu.