
Let’s be careful out there

An American flight attendant who kept a semi-anonymous blog has been suspended without pay by her airline after posting pictures of herself in uniform. Not the first person to get into trouble from blogging, and probably won’t be the last. Be careful out there, folks. Contrast: on the rise of corporate-sponsored employee blogs

Geek Net

Here is my latest side-project

In leui of a photo today, here is my latest side-project, a collaboration between myself and a few friends…

Net Politics and activism

Last straw

Right, that’s it. I’ve had it with this government. It was one thing lying about Children Overboard and going to war despite being told it would increase the threat from terrorism, telling us it would decrease the risk. (See here for the ALP’s list of Howard’s lies, and here for the Liberals’ reaction.) But this:  ... [More]

Geek Net Retrospectives

Daniel’s diary FAQ

Where it came from What’s in it Where it’s going to Why this name Comments Other stuff Where it came from When I originally started writing and posting stuff to the Net (via e-mail and Usenet) in 1990, it was pretty much all off-the-wall “I wish I was a Python” surreal bizarro kind of stuff.  ... [More]


Dear spammers

Dear spammers, I am not throwing away money, and I don’t have a home loan that needs re-financing. I don’t understand teenagers, let alone Swedish ones, and have no wish to watch them. I don’t want to buy any remote control mini-cars. My penis is of adequate size, thanks. I’m busy enough as it is,  ... [More]

Net Working life

Careful now

A lot of Melbourne’s bloggers are taking things a little more cautiously at the moment, following Jenjen’s sacking (just after she gave notice anyway) due to the alleged content and work time involved in her blog. For my own part, I’ve scrupulously avoided naming where I work or going into too much detail about my  ... [More]



Plonkers. Barlow McEwan and Tribe. My contribution to Googlebombing.

Geek Net

Blog Awards

The Australian 2004 Blog Awards are on, and happily this humble diary has been nominated in a couple of categories by some poor deluded fools who think it’s worthy. I’m certainly not holding my breath on winning any of them, because there is some staggeringly good competition among the other nominees. But I’ll certainly be  ... [More]

Geek Net

A new dawn

As you may have noticed, this diary has finally been brought kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Yep, I’ve done what I swore I wouldn’t do – switched to a content management system. (In geekspeak that’s CMS.) As a result, some of the stuff has changed, some of it looks different. The old diary  ... [More]

Net News and events

Bye bye 2003

Zoom. Well, there goes the year. To me it seems to have gone incredibly fast, but a lot’s gone on in my life and around the world over the past twelve months. In the grand scheme of things, particularly in the Personal Relationships Department, the start of the year didn’t seem great to me, but  ... [More]

Health Melbourne Net

Snippets from the last few days

A long time school friend’s mum died of cancer on Thursday. Such a horrible thing for their family, all I can do is pass on condolences from my family. Film crew blocking off Hardware Street on Saturday, making me more late for lunch than I had previously been. Crowd control consisted of a woman in  ... [More]

Geek Net


Yeah, smash the state! Victory for hax0rs! Let’s vandalise Daniel’s diary on a Sunday morning! Turned out to be an ISP-wide problem. Full credit to them though, they’re making amends by offering an upgrade to people’s accounts. So there you go. Thanks to Tony, who notified me first (and the others who let me know  ... [More]