I’ve seen Google and Yahoo put out reports on the top search terms of the year, and we’re only a week into December. (Happy Hannukah by the way.)
Seems a bit odd to do that before the actual end of the year, but what the hell, I’ll jump on that bandwagon. Here are some stats for my blog, for the year up to midnight Tuesday.
Total posts for the year: 279
Total comments for the year: 2014
Average comments per post: 7.2
Most frequent post categories:
What do I end up writing most about? Posts in multiple categories counted twice.
- News and events 46
- Melbourne 42
- Home life 34
- Consumerism 33
- Transport 19
- TV 17
- Friends and loved ones 15
- Driving 15
- Health 15
- PTUA 12
- Culture 12
- Food’n’drink 12
Most popular categories by comments:
What do people like commenting on most? (average comments per post per category)
- Ranting 17.5
- Clothes 10.1
- Friends and loved ones 9.9
- Adelaide 2007 9.9
- Transport 9.4
- Driving 8.7
- Working life 8.3
- Health 8.2
- Melbourne 7.5
- Culture 7.3
- PTUA 7.3
Least popular? Dreams 0.5. Not really surprised at that; more than any other category, my occasional posts about my dreams are for my benefit, not anybody else’s!
Top popular posts by comment:
And what have been the posts that people have commented on the most?
- 2007-08-27 Thirty-seven 91 — that was where I asked how old everybody is. Results here.
- 2007-02-16 Smoking rant 30
- 2007-06-30 Dumped… by Virginia 24 — See also the sequel.
- 2007-07-05 Guess what these are 23
- 2007-07-17 More on emissions 22
- 2007-08-08 Oh Myki you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind 21
- 2007-01-22 Get a grip, you people 19
- 2007-07-26 Adelaide in November 19
- 2007-07-31 Where are you from? 19
- 2007-01-11 Is aircon turning us into wimps? 17
- 2007-05-22 Winter and water 17
Top ten frequent commenters:
Who’s left the most comments?
- Daniel 191 — I guess I just love commenting on my own blog
- Roger 146
- Toria 86
- Andrew 73
- Ren 51
- Philip 47
- Nathan 33
- Peter 30
- Stitch Sista 29
- Savannah 27
Quickest comments (minutes between post and comment):
Thanks to the web, and particularly with RSS feeds, people can see what you’ve written within seconds of it being posted. Who’s been quickest off the mark to comment? Figures in minutes and seconds between the blog post and the first comment.
- 2007-09-07 APEC Day Tony 01:25
- 2007-10-19 Animal meme Roger 05:21
- 2007-02-12 Somebody set us up the bomb Miss Eagle 06:00
- 2007-01-19 That’s an excuse? Roger 06:25
- 2007-08-31 Clean swear words Roger 06:38
- 2007-07-27 Confuse-a-Commuter Andrew 06:47
- 2007-03-01 Snacking Roger 07:24
- 2007-08-27 Thirty-seven Roger 07:40
- 2007-10-04 Anniversary number four dave 08:31
- 2007-10-02 The mayor Chris Till 09:01
Some comments come in weeks after the post, and probably nobody notices them except me. Comments are normally closed 90 days after the post date.
Finding these stats
Most of the above extracts came out of the database for the blogging software, WordPress. For those who want to try this for themselves (and for my own future reference if I try this again next year), here’s the SQL I used.
(Pah — Skip this geeky stuff and go to the comments)
Total posts for the year:
SELECT count(*)
FROM wp_posts
where post_status = 'publish'
and post_date >= '2006-12-05' and post_date < '2007-12-05'
Total comments for the year:
SELECT count(*)
FROM wp_comments
where comment_approved = '1'
and comment_date >= '2006-12-05' and comment_date < '2007-12-05'
Frequent post categories:
SELECT c.cat_name, count(*) as cat_count
FROM wp_posts p, wp_post2cat pc, wp_categories c
WHERE p.post_status = 'publish'
and p.post_date >= '2006-12-05' and p.post_date < '2007-12-05'
and p.ID = pc.post_id and pc.category_id = c.cat_id
GROUP BY c.cat_name
ORDER BY cat_count desc
Popular categories by comment:
This will only give totals. I matched this to the above then worked out the average comments per post in each category.
SELECT c.cat_name, count(*) as comment_count
FROM wp_posts p, wp_post2cat pc, wp_categories c, wp_comments co
WHERE p.post_status = 'publish'
and p.post_date >= '2006-12-05' and p.post_date < '2007-12-05'
and p.ID = pc.post_id and pc.category_id = c.cat_id
and p.ID = co.comment_post_ID
GROUP BY c.cat_name
ORDER BY comment_count desc
Popular posts by comment:
SELECT p.post_date, p.post_title, count(*) as comment_count
FROM wp_posts p, wp_comments c
WHERE p.post_status = 'publish' and c.comment_approved = '1'
and p.post_date >= '2006-12-05' and p.post_date < '2007-12-05'
and p.ID = c.comment_post_id
GROUP BY p.post_date, p.post_title
ORDER BY comment_count desc
Frequent commenters:
SELECT comment_author, comment_author_email, count(*) as comment_count FROM `wp_comments`
where comment_approved = '1'
and comment_date >= '2006-12-05' and comment_date < '2007-12-05'
group by comment_author, comment_author_email
order by comment_count desc
Quickest commenters:
SELECT p.post_date, p.post_title, c.comment_author, timediff(c.comment_date, p.post_date) as TimeComment
FROM wp_posts p, wp_comments c
WHERE p.post_status = 'publish' and c.comment_approved = '1'
and p.post_date >= '2006-12-05' and p.post_date < '2007-12-05'
and p.ID = c.comment_post_id
ORDER BY TimeComment
3 replies on “Blog stats for this year”
Regarding your astute observation that commentaries about “the year that was” have already started, I recall TV programs in late December 2004 showing highlights of that year, omitting the most amazing natural disaster that happened on our door-step (the tsunami).
PS I’m honoured to be your most faithful correspondent, although my wife thinks people who respond to blogs are only marginally less weird than the people who write them.
Thank you for this lovely summary of stats! It is awesome, and just what I’d expect from a “geek” ;) LOL Seriously though, I think it hilarious I’m a frequent responder to your posts, considering we’ve never met! Ah well, amazing thing, the Internet, isn’t it? Making the world a smaller place, in some ways.
LOL @ the last line of Roger’s comment above mine. What on earth would she think of me?
…and I’d just like to thank my mum, my cat….oooh I know I should have brought a list…