Well, the last day of my current contract job is tomorrow. I have found another one to take its place in the near future – just after Easter to be precise. Apart from making sure I submit all my final timesheets and invoices and clearing my desk, there’s one other important event on The Last ... [More]
Author: Daniel Bowen
Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.
The update
Every so often I like to bung an update in the diary. It helps the few of you who might be actually interested in finding out about some of the continuing things that go on in my life, as thrilling as it is. So here’s the update: Baby Jeremy is piling on weight. He was ... [More]
Reading the paper
Regular readers of my diary will probably have deduced for themselves that work is going exceedingly well at the moment. It’s easy to work this out because I haven’t been complaining about it, not like some of the previous contract jobs I’ve worked at. Sadly, it would seem that this job is coming to an ... [More]
Something I’ve written has finally showed up in print – in an actual glossy magazine, distributed internationally. The February 1998 issue of a little-known US magazine called "Portable Computing Direct Shopper" has shown up on Australian shores with an article by me in it on page 46. Check it out at your local newsagent. Just ... [More]
Highland gathering
Today we went for a spin in the car. Out the driveway, along the highway, onto the freeway, down to Geelong. Geelong is about 90 minutes from home in the car, and is home to the world’s greatest AFL team (shame they keep on getting losing all their finals games). Our target was today’s Highland ... [More]
My week in TV week
Well, who’d have believed it. Somehow my diary got mentioned in TV Week this week. I’m not sure how many TV Week viewers actually surf the Web, but it’ll be interesting to find out. I don’t actually read TV Week very often – in fact I think the last time was about five years ago, ... [More]
The toilet story
I’ve got a handy tip for you. On Saturday, my son Isaac, who is making full use of his toddler years, decided to pull about half a roll of toilet paper off the roll. And not for the purposes of using it, either. He would have pulled more off, but there was no more to ... [More]
A week on the road / Me versus The Hill
All went (nearly) to plan on Tuesday. There was a little mishap with the bank involving a delay in them coughing up the car loan money, but the bank staff very kindly handed over the bank cheque despite the delay, but failed to mention that this would mean our everyday spending account would be about ... [More]
Now we’re (almost) motoring
It seems like it’s only been about a month since I got my driver’s licence. Oh, wait, it has been about a month since I got my driver’s licence. Well, I’m about to take the next step. I’m about to buy a car. Yes, I know that most people have got their licence and some ... [More]
Close encounter of the slimy kind
The members of some occupations have certain reputations. Yesterday I had my first encounter with one of them: The used car salesman. Ive dealt with real estate agents before, and to be honest, theyve seemed pretty much okay. If they are just trying to rip all your money off you, at least they give the ... [More]
Baby Jeremy poked his head out into the world at about 6:47pm on Thursday the 12th of February 1998. About three minutes later, the rest of him came out into the world as well, and he’s been here ever since. He weighed 4060 grams. This of course means nothing to anybody, not even here in ... [More]
A quiet week
No, no baby news. Look. I know this doesn’t really apply to most of the people reading this, it really applies to friends and especially relatives of ours: Stop bugging us! We’ll let you know when something happens – HONEST! Technically, the due date for young Jeremy (yep, we’ve decided on a name) to enter ... [More]