Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from June 2010

Continuing my series of posts of ten year old photos… Swanston Street has been closed to traffic since the 1990s… not that you’d know it from the number of cars that drive down there sometimes. At least the big tram stops in place nowadays discourage some of them. (Also note the foreground vehicle blocking the  ... [More]


Comparing tram speeds

Comparing tram speeds along the different sections of route 109.

Health transport

How PT networks are handling COVID-19

Comparing different city public transport networks and their COVID-19 responses

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from May 2010

Here’s one of my regular posts of photos from ten years ago. Back when nobody had heard of social distancing, on State Budget day 2010, we all crowded around to do the post-budget media scrum, where stakeholders queue up to give comments for the cameras and microphones. That year included the E-class trams, and new  ... [More]


The Two Hour fare that wasn’t

The Myki quirk that led to a legitimate free ride

Home life

Some personal metrics

Public transport use down, electricity consumption up, mobile internet down, home internet up. Grocery spending up… then almost back to normal. Some personal metrics in the age of COVID-19.


Getting back on PT

Getting back on public transport – can people effectively stagger their trips to avoid crowding when off-peak services are infrequent and crowded?


To fix buses, make them more like trams

Here’s a snapshot of Melbourne’s public transport patronage over the past five years, by mode. Tram and train are growing. Tram in particular saw strong growth thanks to the Free Tram Zone, but both those modes show increased patronage. The trams now carry over 200 million boardings on just 24 routes. But bus patronage is  ... [More]

Melbourne News and events transport

Bathed in blue

Last week’s horrific Eastern Freeway crash, which killed four police officers, shocked all of us – even before we knew about the alleged execrable deeds of the Porsche driver. In tribute, flags have been flown at half-mast, and around Melbourne, many people placed blue ribbons on their front gates and fences. And a number of  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from April 2010

Another of my monthly posts of old photos from ten years ago. Rudd’s apology to the Stolen Generations, on a building in Little Bourke Street… …alongside Canadian PM Stephen Harper’s similar apology. (Both since removed) A rather more pedestrian view nearby: a few months before the Lonsdale Street bus routes got a shake-up with the  ... [More]


PT patronage is down 90%

It was recently reported that, despite the COVID-19 crisis, and large numbers of people staying at home, Victoria’s public transport network is still carrying about 200,000 trips per day. How does this compare to normal? I’ve taken last year’s State Budget targeted annual trips for 2019-20, and used previous rail patronage data indicating each weekday  ... [More]



With many people, myself included, spending most of the time at home, you’ll need to indulge me in another non-transport blog post. I once wrote that the five biggest cultural influences of my childhood were Lego, Tintin, Usborne Books, Doctor Who and The Goodies. Many Australians of my age fondly remember The Goodies thanks to  ... [More]