News and events

Quiz question

Quiz question for you. No cheating, leave your answer in the comments. Before 11th September 2001, how many buildings were in the World Trade Centre in New York City? And what happened to them?

Home life

The desk

One of the things on my To Do list that I did get done over the holidays was to invest in some new desks. The old big desk doesn’t suit the new home-office at all, partly because it’s so damn big and doesn’t fit into the space properly, but also because it’s dull corporate grey,  ... [More]

Home life

Back to work

Well it had to happen sometime… the summer holidays have finished for me. Back to work today. Of my to do list: Completed: 2 Substantially done: 4 A little bit done: 2 Thought about, but ultimately, not even started: 4 Hmm. Could be worse. Could be a lot better. But at least I spent plenty  ... [More]


Sorrento Beach

Marita, Justine and I went down to Sorrento yesterday for a gallery opening. While we were there, we had lunch and took a walk down to the beach. (View it on Flickr) The traffic was pretty bad on the way down, making it a 2 1/2 hour trip from Footscray. (If the government was serious  ... [More]


Gas bill

Another day, another gas bill. You know, I got divorced almost five years ago, and have moved twice, but to this day my ex-wife’s name is still on the damn gas bill. At one stage they claimed they couldn’t change the name, they could only open a brand new account, which would cost $20. At  ... [More]

Politics and activism

Two worlds, one country

I look down my street, and wonder how this exists elsewhere in my country: (From The Age: ‘Chicken coop’ village fights to shed despair) Successive governments have let things get this bad. Please Mr Costello, don’t give me a tax cut, use the money to fix this and other problems of poverty in our society.

Health TMI


More from the TMI department. I can still feel the after-effects of Sunday night. I don’t feel sick, but I can feel the strain my stomach went through. You know how you hear about people who can’t throw-up. Physically can’t. I’m not in that position, but I’m probably not far away from it. Even when  ... [More]

Memes rule, pass it on

Just another meme

Okay I got tagged by Kathy. What were you doing 10 years ago? Working in St Kilda Road, dealing with a toddler at home, preparing for a trip to the USA. I was on crutches for some of January 1996. What were you doing 1 year ago? Much the same as I’m doing now, except  ... [More]

Health TMI

From good to bad

Sunday started out so well. Long sleep in. Stroll down to the shops to buy ingredients for muffins, and get a newspaper. Lunch with globetrotting Doug in Kensington, where he was in residence for the morning. (Marita and I rolled in as some of his other friends rolled out). Much laughter with the discovery that  ... [More]


Christmas joke SMS scam

One of the great Christmas traditions is the Christmas cracker, and the appalling jokes they come with. Cast your mind back to the Christmas just gone. Did you get an SMS on your mobile phone, with an appalling Christmas cracker-style joke, from the number 19900025, that you didn’t expect? If so, check your next phone  ... [More]


Holiday movies

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire — Good stuff. I’m not sure if I agree with the other reviews saying it’s the best HP movie ever, but I really enjoyed it. It’s not really worthy of the M15+ rating the OFLC gave it. Had to chuckle at the (probably unintentional) Doctor Who references: the  ... [More]


Plastic recycling

Recyclable plastic products have a numeric code on them, called a Resin identification code (1 to 7), indicating what kind of plastic they are and how they can be recycled. But in Melbourne (and, I suspect, much of the world) only types 1, 2 and 3 can be recycled. This leaves an awful lot of  ... [More]