Choose a band and answer only in song titles by that band: Paul Kelly (okay he’s a singer, but he’s had bands…)
Are you male or female? Most wanted man in the world
Describe yourself: I am what I am
How do some people feel about you? King of fools
How do you feel about yourself? He can’t decide
Describe your ex-girlfriend: I can’t believe we were married
Describe your current girlfriend: Beautiful feeling
Describe what you want to be: Taught by experts
Describe your current mood: Nothing on my mind
Describe your friends: Some guys
Share a few words of wisdom: Don’t stand too close to the window
8 replies on “Music meme”
So where does ‘Dumb Things’ fit??
Heh. Heh. Good one Trish!
Somehow I just knew someone would say that.
Hey Daniel, I just had to tell you that how bizarre it is that I keep crashing into you in cyberspace. (Keep reading I’m no stalker…)
The first time, about 7 years ago when I was still in Melbourne, my sister and I were looking for something to do with custard – we stumbled upon toxic custard (ace name by the way) and found a story a mate of hours had contributed to your site about throwing up – of all things! V funny.
The next time about 5 years later, was on the Paul Kelly list, of which my English husband is a member and he showed me something you’d posted about Parliament Station and Paul Kelly songs. Made me terribly homesick at the time I recall.
Finally, I was looking at the ‘Australian Bloggers’ list the other day and whose was the last blog updated that hour?
It all seems a little spooky really, what with the internet being so vast these days. Perhaps when we move back to Melbourne towards the end of this year we should meet!
I’ll keep an eye on your blog too so keep posting pics of my beloved city – I miss her so!
but why would you want to describe yourself in someone else’s terms that are badly clicheed?
Hmmm good point Barb, though I think how bad the cliches are depends on what singer and song titles you choose. It could be horrendously cliched, or not at all.
Kylie Sings About My Life
Choose a band and answer only in song titles by that band: Kylie Minogue
I just love Paul Kelly – my favourite is Leaps and Bounds – “The clock on the silo says eleven degrees”. I used to catch the train into town to work and every time I hear that line it takes me back.
I love his song about friends as well:
And if you heard that I was on the town
Pissing loudly on your name
Would you find me, would you face me down
Through your ears burned with shame