Food'n'drink Home life

Party ponderings

Ponderings from the weekend:

  • My party strategy might have included getting the first arriving guest to help make the punch, so they don’t feel like standing around doing nothing. But the first two guests arrived together so instead some of the initial discussion was based around what should go into punch.
  • Juice, some fruit and some strong cold tea seemed to work.
  • Did I really spend $85 buying party nibbles? Other stuff bought simultaneously must have contributed. Still, either my guests were going to be very well-fed, or there was going to be a shitload of stuff left over. It was the latter, with some stuff never making it out of the fridge (possibly due to lack of diligence on my part).

    Inside the recycling bin, the morning after
  • Why when I went to SMS Josh to ask him to bring some paper plates over (because I foolishly had only one packet) did the predictive text on my mobile initially suggest I wanted "slaves" instead of "plates"? Is the average SMS user more likely to be talking about slaves than plates? How would he have reacted if asked to bring some slaves over?
  • Not that it mattered, as my supply of plates was enough.
  • I spent hours last week trying to find a cool CD that I wanted so I could play it during the party. Nobody seemed to have it. I ended up finding it the next day.
  • Not that it mattered, as everyone congregated in the kitchen and outside the back door, whereas the music was relegated to way back in the background from the other end of the house.
  • And to think I spent all that time tidying up the livingroom, too!
  • By my count about two thirds of the people who came have web sites. It’s a scary, scary world out there.
  • Everyone seemed to have a good time, even though things were winding down only shortly after midnight. If one can judge a party by the standard of the recycling bin afterwards, it went okay.
  • The day after, it was very tempting to just spend all day eating party food leftovers. ‘Cos it’d be wrong not to eat it all while there are people starving in the world, right?

And just a couple of other random thoughts which don’t relate specifically to this weekend:

  • When did Kookai bags become a fashion accessory?
  • Does McDonalds Australia putting "Australian owned and operated" notices on their franchise store doors really convince anybody?

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.