
New toy: iPad Mini

I was amused when I posted last week about using credit card points to perhaps buy an iPad Mini, the Apple-haters jumped in. The post wasn’t really about technology; it was about credit card points! But this post is about tech. The choice of an iPad over an Android tablet was deliberate. Yeah yeah, I’ve  ... [More]


Want to crucify your iPad? Logitech has you covered.

Did nobody in their design department stop and think “uhh guys, that may not be the best design to go for.” Or is it just me who sees this?


Steve Jobs: I wish you’d all put your iPads and iPhones away for a minute and pay attention


Apple iSad

Uh oh. My sister’s iPad got the Blue Screen of Death. Who knew they suffered from that? I thought Steve Jobs, being all-powerful, would have abolished them. It happened while playing Rocket Bird. We resurrected it by doing a hard reset.