I finally got around to replacing my home fixed line phone with VOIP. I took the easy route of sticking with my ISP, Netspace/iiNet. Previously each month I’d been paying $59.95 for ADSL2+ broadband, plus for the home phone $22.95 rental, plus $6 for caller ID, plus $2.93 for an unlisted number. Local calls were ... [More]
Tag: Internet
I don’t normally see much spam thanks to the spam filters, but I did see this funny one a few days ago: IMF APPROVED PAYMENT LETTER. GOOD DAY TO YOU, It is a great pleasure to contact you this day as i have just been appointed the new Chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ... [More]
Disaster! No internet at home. Yesterday iiNet/Netspace had major outage in Victoria. It was eventually fixed, but even after a modem reboot we couldn’t get back online. Then I noticed the home phone (yes, I still have one of those) was getting no dial tone. My assumption initially was that this was just an unhappy ... [More]
IP (v4) addresses have run out
In the 90s, phone numbers were going to run out if we didn’t take the plunge and switch from nine digit 0x-xxx-xxxx numbers to ten digit 0x-xxxx-xxxx numbers. The telecommunications industry (led by… was it Austel?) got everybody switched over okay. (In the US, they decided not to expand the number of digits for local ... [More]
The other day I retired one of my oldest web pages, an FAQ on Melbourne public transport. It started life (I think around 1993, before the Web was around) as a Usenet FAQ for the misc.transport.urban-transit group. In 1994 it was posted (with an incomplete attempt to convert it to HTML) on Railpage — where ... [More]
The A to Z of online stores
Pondering the fact that I’d browsed both dstore.com.au and estore.com.au, I was curious as to what others exist… astore.com.au — watches and jewellery bstore.com.au — Birkenstock shoes cstore.com.au — forwards to Codagenic, selling an ecommerce platform dstore.com.au — all sorts of stuff; been around for years estore.com.au — geeky stuff; a division of City Software ... [More]
Trivia for you: Back in prehistoric times, when most of you had never heard of the Internet and barely anybody used the Web, and way before Twitter and Facebook, I blogged the 1996 Federal election campaign. Several times a week I’d add something new, including a spoof leader debate transcript, a Hippy Party manifesto, Ron ... [More]
The timewaster
The curse of the Internet and the short attention span — there’s too much stuff to look at. So I check my email. Then I have a look in Google Reader. What’s Twitter doing? Okay. Facebook? My turn in Scrabble yet? Might check a couple of the news sites and see what’s happening. And the ... [More]
Searching for Google
Google has announced (somewhat early, and amongst other things) the top Australian searches of 2009. Most popular searches of 2009FacebookYouTubeHotmaileBayMySpaceGoogleYahooGmailBeboSeek So plenty of people search for Google in Google, despite the idiocy in doing so, and more significantly, the inherent dangers: