It’s a CPI rise, but it means Melbourne still has the most expensive short trips in the country
Fares increasing by 6% for 2024

It’s a CPI rise, but it means Melbourne still has the most expensive short trips in the country
Is V/Line ready for the promised fare cut expected in March?
Why should only the wealthy be able to afford the discounts?
Here’s a quick comparison of adult PT fares and discounts in Australian capital cities. Peak fare range(on card) Off-peak fare Fare cap weekdays Fare cap weekends Bulk discount Adelaide $3.95 $2.20 $11.00 daily fare (not an automatic cap) $11.00 14 days $63.2028 days $105.00 Brisbane $3.37 – $10.17 20% discount No cap No cap 8 ... [More]
A fare rise took effect from 1st January. It’s usually more-or-less in line with the annual CPI to September the previous year – this time 2.3% against CPI of 2.9%. CPI was so low in 2020 that they waived the increase in January 2021, but most other years they’ve done it. I thought it might ... [More]
Myki Pass may no longer be the best option for people whose travel patterns have changed. I’ve done a quick calculator to try and work it out.
As part of its COVID-19 response, the State Government announced in December that they will trial off-peak fares: To make it easier for metropolitan passengers to travel during quieter times and physically distance as Victoria recovers from the coronavirus pandemic, off-peak fares will be discounted for three months. From 31 January 2021, anyone using myki ... [More]
On Saturday I participated in an Infrastructure Victoria session on transport network planning. It was described as a kind of speed-dating session – seven speakers doing quick 12 minute conversations with groups of 4-5 people. They suggested kicking off with an introduction to your view on the topic, then seeing where the conversation takes you. ... [More]
As expected, public transport fares in Victoria go up from 1st January. This time it’s a CPI rise of 2.2% – thankfully not as high as the last four which were CPI+2.5% (budgeted by the Coalition in 2014, delivered by Labor). This takes the standard zone 1 or 1+2 daily fare to $8.80, and the ... [More]
From time to time the topic of free public transport comes up, most recently because of changes in Estonia. I think it’s a distraction from far more important issues. I just wanted to address a few points about it. Apologies for the rambling. Would it be a good idea in Melbourne and/or Victoria? I don’t ... [More]
As expected, fare rises have been announced to take place on January 1st. It’s a rise of 4.7% — which is CPI+2.5%. (At least, 4.7% is the claim. Some fares, such as a Zone 1 two-hour fare, are rising by more: $4.10 to $4.30 is almost 4.9%, thanks to the price being rounded to the ... [More]
Generally every January, public transport fares in Victoria go up. This year it’s expected to be a 4.3% rise — this is CPI of 1.8% 2.8% (for the year to September), plus a 2.5% 1.5% rise that was first announced by the Coalition in December 2013, to be implemented in January 2015-2018, and dutifully followed ... [More]