
The Queen Mum is dead, long live the Queen…

So, the Queen Mother is dead. I have a problem with this. It’s been less than two days since I heard the news, but I’m already having real trouble remembering where I was when I heard it. I’m beginning to think that in a week or two, the whole thing might be forgotten as an  ... [More]


More power

I had a whinge to the electricity company the other week about the power, and asked them if it was possible to check if there was enough variation in the power supply here that it could be causing the problems with my monitor and amplifier. It’s only a theory of course, but the problems are  ... [More]



The day started well. For a while there I really thought I was blessed. Walking to the station, I noticed I was a little late for the train. If I miss the 8:21 express, the next one is the 8:36, stopping. It may only be an extra 3 stops, taking about an extra 3 minutes,  ... [More]


How’s the serenity?

Brighton Beach, just after dusk, around 9pm. Great ambience, one would think. Serenity. Well, if not for the other people. What possesses people to bring have their little kids out at the beach that late, especially on a school night? I would think that any ambience these people might think they could enjoy would be  ... [More]


Monday morning

I was woken up by a phone call this morning. "Hello, Pete?" Bloody wrong number. Okay, so it was only 2 minutes before my alarm clock was going to go off, but that’s not the point!



He was shaking in his seat Riding through the streets In a Silvertop To her door I may have to consider changing my preferred taxi company. Silvertop has been okay, I can remember their phone number (131008), they have my address on file, and of course they’re referenced in one of my favourite songs. Tonight  ... [More]



I am just a little bit pissed off. Yet again today I traipsed out to Hawthorn to the monitor repair place to collect my lovely 17 inch monitor. This time I specifically asked them if they’d found the fault – that it flickers off then on continually. They said no (hmmm: bad sign) but that  ... [More]



I’ve been thinking about my medium to long term goals, and specifically how it relates to my home. My home is getting a little bit crap. The flat is a good size, in a good location, but it’s a bit rundown, mostly because my landlady, like most landlords the world over, is a little tight  ... [More]



Went to glue something today, and discovered the tube of superglue I had wouldn’t open. Because the lid was stuck closed. Figures, I suppose.


Two Inns

On Friday night I arranged to meet a couple of visitors to this fair city. Nothing could be simpler than to meet up at the entrance to the Holiday Inn, right? Easy. It’s on Spencer Street. No problem. So my lovely companion (who I shall refer to for the moment as "C", since at this  ... [More]


Daniel the subversive

Letter, today’s Age.


Alert! Alert!

I was in the Melbourne Central food court yesterday at lunchtime, pondering food court etiquette. The cleaners there seem to be very quick in leaping into action to clear and wipe tables. So should I take my tray away myself? Perhaps. Perhaps not. They also seemed to be equipped with radios. Very handy, cleaners having  ... [More]