
Instant movie review

The Business Of Strangers. Nicely paced – certainly didn’t seem like 84 minutes. A few twists. Thought provoking.



(This was written on 22/5/2002, but added to the site on 4/6/2002) I had this weird dream overnight, the first in quite a while: I was walking along a road with no cars. I thought it was the Pacific Highway, but for some reason it was in Victoria, near the Bolte Bridge. As time went  ... [More]


More crap

In March I talked about crap. A lot of the stuff in my flat is gradually getting worn down, and needs replacing. But should I be spending dosh replacing stuff if I was about to try and buy a house? I was holding off somewhat, and living somewhat reluctantly with my crap. The situation there  ... [More]


The adventures of CommuterMan

Last Thursday night, getting home was something of a trial. I left work about 17:30, got to the station and jumped on the first train to Caulfield. Caulfield is the closest major station to me, and sometimes if I catch an express to Caulfield (which is not stopping at my station), it’ll overtake a stopping  ... [More]



Why is it that the more irritating the ring on the mobile phone, the more likely that person is to: leave it on their desk when they go out have it configured so it rings lots of times before it times out have people ringing a lot have people ringing a lot who don’t get  ... [More]


Power and fish

Well, the electrician came and put in the shiny new switch box. I was glad to see he seemed to know what he was doing. At least, he managed to get all the work done without electrocuting himself, and without blacking out the entire street. Problem is, the same stuff still happens. Though it appears  ... [More]


Don’t panic

I’m trying not to panic, but I may have a fire hazard in my house. Rewind a bit. Remember I was having power hassles? The more delicate and sensitive of my appliances playing up? Apart from the ever joyous misbehaviour of one of the computer monitors, there’s also my precious hi fi gear – both  ... [More]



Every so often there’ll be some people on the train who stand out a little from the usual crowd of commuters. This morning it was a mum and two kids. They were obviously on their way into town for the day from somewhere far away. The son wanted to know how many stations it was  ... [More]


Car hassles 2

The car survived the weekend okay. I drove it to the service place this morning in the pouring rain and peak hour traffic. Lovely. Despite my public transport-supporting tendencies, I was glaring at the bus a few vehicles in front of me – until it stopped outside a school and about 50 teenagers got out,  ... [More]



Went to see The Trade on Friday night. For anybody hitting the last week of the Comedy Festival, I highly recommend it. Very funny and thought provoking stuff. And it provided a bit of minor celebrity spotting. Really minor celebrity spotting. Greg Fleet was enjoying a quiet moment to himself, sitting at a cafe on  ... [More]


Car hassles

Oh the joys of cars. Mine is playing up. Steam coming out of the bonnet last night. With some assistance I determined the radiator was empty. Which is definitely not a good thing. The car is booked in for a scheduled service on Monday anyway. So would it last the weekend? After filling the radiator  ... [More]



Not much to report from the past week. I’ve been a tad too busy, but that’s often the case. Thankfully I’m only so busy because I spend so much time relaxing… I cleaned my car on Saturday. It was in dire need of it. Especially after Friday, when it was parked at Ormond Station, and  ... [More]