
Raindrops keep falling on my head

Wednesday night was the blog meetup, at Kookoo. Interesting venue, I haven’t been there before. In fact it’s through these meetups that I’m seeing a few different night spots around town. No more will I be confined to the Lounge, Hairy Canary, Spleen and that mysterious place on Swanston Street that I don’t even know  ... [More]


Books and stuff

After seeing a bloke on the train yesterday morning reading a Superman comic, I won’t feel ashamed for watching the kids’Thunderbirds DVDs anymore. Speaking of which, I discovered the other day that episode 6 of this series "The Mighty Atom" features a nuclear accident in Australia, and for a time it looks as though Melbourne  ... [More]


On the train

In my little bit of the train home this afternoon, two of us were reading the paper, one was asleep, and one bloke was trying unsuccessfully not to be noticed reading "Melbourne Kink Scene", which appeared to have a picture of a (clothed) woman in leather gear on the front. Hmm… hokay… fair enough…



So apart from Sunday’s Big Clearout Episode I, what else did I do over the weekend? I swear, I was going to go for a nice long bike ride. But, uhh, it was raining. Actually I got caught in the rain on my bike last weekend, and it wasn’t too bad. It wasn’t pouring down,  ... [More]


Cleanout Daniel’s Flat Day

I think I may have let the dishes go for a bit too long… Ah, that’s better. 11am. I have declared Sunday to be Cleanout Daniel’s Flat Day. It really needs to happen – I need to get rid of the junk I don’t need, otherwise moving next month is going to be an absolute  ... [More]


Destruction and real estate fun

I spent some time last night re-editing the VCR destruction video. It’s punchier, faster-paced, and with that oh-so-dull second scene with the washing-up liquid edited out. Yes, it’s How To Destroy Your Video: the Director’s Cut. Ah, it brings back some fond memories. The agents for my current place haven’t got back to me, so  ... [More]


The deadline

11am. The real estate agent handling my current place just rang. They wanted to know when I’m moving out, and what date notice had been given. I didn’t have it in front of me, but I had written the due date in my diary. "It was just after ANZAC Day, and it was 90 days,  ... [More]


Word of mouth

Last night I decided to check out the video shop down in South Caulfield, which according to legend will rent you out a video or DVD for no more than $2.50. In this day and age, when that Blockbuster mob are charging closer to $7 or something ridiculous like that, that is a bargain which  ... [More]



I did a lot of driving on Saturday, probably more than I do in the typical month. One trip to Geelong, one across town, both into uncharted territory which had me – at some stages – continually checking the Melway on the passenger seat to verify where I was. Suddenly I can see the point  ... [More]


Okay so here’s where I’m at

Okay so here’s where I’m at with the house. This is probably all too hard to explain without figures, but I’m not particularly keen to splash around details of my economic position. For one thing, it would only take the curious real estate agent seconds to look up my name on Google, find my diary,  ... [More]



Last night I was heading into the city in a hurry. I left the car at Caulfield Station (cuts on the waiting time when coming home late at night). As I got out of the car I looked over my shoulder at the platform. A city-bound train was just coming in. I locked the door,  ... [More]



Over the years, my taste in clothing (as well as other things such as food) has improved immeasurably. Various influences – in particular certain girlfriends – have led me to try and take a little more care of my appearance. I’m not quite up to the standard proffered by The Age recently of the "Metrosexual",  ... [More]