Health transport

Masks on PT: the rules

There’s been a bit of confusion about the rules around masks and public transport. I’m not here to speculate on whether the rules are needed. I’m not an epidemiologist and probably neither are you. While there’s been no COVID-19 community spread in Victoria for many weeks, the recent case of the gentleman who unwittingly caught  ... [More]

Going green Home life

Greening my house, the next chapter

Not a transport post, though it does get a mention. Previously in my quest for a greener house: 2012: Better roof insulation 2015: External blinds 2017: Air conditioning (livingroom) 2019: Wall insulation 2020: Heat pump electric hot water (replacing gas-boosted solar hot water) I’ve got two new house upgrades to report on. Solar PV This  ... [More]


What ever happened to tram cams?

Yet again, the issue of motorists illegally overtaking trams has been highlighted – by Channel 9 on Tuesday, and the Herald Sun on Wednesday. This follows on from reports as recently as January of motorists hitting tram passengers while breaking road rule 163. Educating motorists has a role here. There have been education campaigns in  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago transport

Old photos from April 2011

Another in my series of photos from ten years ago: April 2011. Platforms 15 and 16 under construction at Southern Cross. The station is owned and run by Civic Nexus under a PPP. The platforms were to be used by V/Line. But the project to build them was done by Metro. Confusing? Perhaps, but at  ... [More]


The Ballarat railway gate saga

I am fascinated with the ongoing saga of the Ballarat crossing gates. At about 11:35pm on 30th May last year, a V/Line train from Melbourne that was meant to stop at Ballarat station instead sped through the platforms and crashed through the Lydiard Street crossing gates. The train eventually stopped about 600 metres beyond the  ... [More]


Evolution trains: First impressions

A few of the Evolution trains (aka High-Capacity Metro Trains, or HCMTs for short) are now out and about in passenger service, with more being delivered into the stabling facility at Pakenham East. Last week I got to ride one for the first time. Here are some photos and first impressions. The one I caught  ... [More]


Is Myki Pass still good value?

Myki Pass may no longer be the best option for people whose travel patterns have changed. I’ve done a quick calculator to try and work it out.

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from March 2011

Another in my series of photos from ten years ago: March 2011. A Hitachi train, still in service (they were finally phased out in 2014) passing the MCG. If you believe the headboard, it’s going to Altona, which seems… unlikely. Myki was just over a year old in Melbourne, and they were keen to encourage  ... [More]


Effects of electrification on train patronage

Twelve years ago debate was raging in the Sunbury community over the electrification of the line from Watergardens. I blogged about it here, pointing out that yes they might lose their comfy V/Line trains, but overall service levels would rise, with more frequent services right across the day. Looking back, did people desert the service  ... [More]

News and events

A year at home

A year ago today it all went off. The talk of theoretical disruptions from the COVID-19 virus became very real in Australia. I thought I’d look back over the past 12 months. Hopefully I haven’t messed up any of the chronology, but if so, please leave a comment. March 2020 It seemed sudden – cases  ... [More]


My take on the EV tax

I don’t think it’s as simple as EVs good, tax bad.

Going green Home life

Solar panels on period homes

Solar panels on heritage homes are the perfect blend of old and new