Long waits and packed trains for Moomba are a reminder that weekend services are not keeping up with travel demand
Category: transport
All forms of transport, including gunzelly
Warrnambool line capacity
Shorter trains, but more of them
Show me the data!
No real surprises in the latest data, but it seems like service provision is holding back patronage growth.
Werribee by election thoughts
Fixing buses is a big opportunity for government to help the outer suburbs.
Wangaratta’s bus tap and go trial
It seems to work well, but how much are they actually testing?
Degraves St subway reopened (mostly)
The central subway at Flinders Street has reopened for interchange between platforms
Bendigo Bargain Hunt
Some observations from a quick trip north west
Stairs and steep ramps remain a barrier to some people in many public places
Walking in Maidstone
Great to see Maidstone tram depot taking shape, but why have they made it more difficult for pedestrians?
Night Buses every night?
Something interesting out of the Australian Open tennis this year – 15 special “AO25 night bus” routes will run Sunday to Thursday night, if play runs after 11:30pm. The buses depart from the Russell Street side of Federation Square, 40 minutes after play finishes. This means many tennis fans have an option if they miss ... [More]
Who decides how often the trains run?
This came up several times recently on social media, so I thought I’d work my answers into a blog post. Who decides how often the trains (and other public transport services) run? It’s not the private operator MTM (Metro Trains Melbourne), it’s the State Government. If you want to read the grisly details, it’s in ... [More]
Inside Anzac and Parkville stations
The Metro Tunnel is nearing completion. Last week I got to look around two of the stations.