Friends and loved ones

From primary to secondary

In the past I’ve seen pictures of an American preschool graduation — in which they ludicrously dressed kids up in gowns and (mortarboard) caps. I’ve only worn a cap and gown once in my life — for my university graduation, after three years of (sometimes) hard slog earning my bachelor’s degree. This type of academic  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

I’m an uncle again

As of this morning, I have a baby niece. 3.5Kg, named TBA Isolde Isolda. Mother and baby doing well. Woo hoo! PS. Tuesday 10pm. Picture:

Consumerism Friends and loved ones

When less is more

My sister and I recently bought our dad a microwave. Dad’s not a big technology fan. He’s at home with a typewriter and a telephone and a television, but that’s about all he needs and perhaps all he can handle. Jeff Atwood has illustrated perfectly the problems of microwave ovens: most modern models have a  ... [More]

Consumerism Friends and loved ones

Anniversary number four

Whoops. How could I forget, it was our fourth anniversary today. A speedily organised lunch and a bunch of flowers later, I think I got away with it. Must remember next year. If we were married, it’d be Fruit and Flowers this year. Though there are claims the modern gift equivalent for four years is  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones


Today I turn 37. Which I figure means I’m leaving my mid-thirties. I have to work today, and my footy tips are descending into farce, but on the bright side, the weather has turned good (25 degrees forecast today!), and it was nice to have a few people over yesterday to celebrate (even if it  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones TV

Early career choices

I wonder if Jeremy might like to get into journalism? (Pics from Sunday. Thanks M and R.)

Friends and loved ones Health

Is the week over yet?

What a week. I already mentioned a colleague’s mother-in-law and an ex-colleague of mine passing away last weekend. I went to the latter funeral today. The family are understandably very upset at his unexpected death at 63. They had a nice booklet with a eulogy that talked in detail about his life. Nice touch. Just  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones News and events

Life is short; carpe diem

A shooting yesterday morning in the city (a few blocks from where I work) left one dead and two injured. Quite an unusual event, which had police and media swarming over the area. A Channel 10 cameraman I spoke to said it was pandemonium in their newsroom. (But no, despite what you might have read,  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Mother’s Day moving

Yesterday was Mother’s Day, and I headed over to my mum’s place with a card in hand. From what I can see, about 80% of the Mother’s Day cards out there are the excessively soppy ones that I’m not that keen on, and that she wouldn’t appreciate. That generally leaves just a few semi-jokey (and  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Margaret Joyce

My grandmother died on Friday night. I didn’t know her well, and hadn’t seen her since 1999. She’d been unwell for some years, but all the same, it was sad news — perhaps because like the rest of my grandparents, I grew up distant from them — either in miles or in years. Unavoidable, but  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Happy birthday, nephew

My nephew Leo was born two years ago, and celebrated his birthday yesterday. His entry into the world doesn’t seem that long ago, and already he’s a toddler, not talking yet, but running around and making the kinds of noises toddlers do when they’re trying to express themselves. Showing people things, curious as anything, and  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones News and events

Sometimes the world is horrible

At first glance, to someone living my busy-but-comfortable life, the world is a pretty nice place. The trees are green, the birds noisy but happy, the neighbours are friendly, the paper arrives on the lawn every day and food and drink are plentiful. But you only have to watch the news to know that much  ... [More]