Home life

Birth report

Okay, I know you’ve all been waiting to hear about this. Well okay, so a few of you have shown a passing interest. All right, so one person asked when it happened. Here’s the birth report. I’m not completely knowledgable on all the correct terminology, so forgive me if it sounds a little muddled. It  ... [More]

Home life

Imminent arrival

Okay, it’s Sunday night. I spurn the Eurovision Song Contest and pump up the Led Zeppelin. I wipe the screen with my promotional DHL static wipe thing, and sit down at the keyboard. But am I inspired? To be honest, no. Actually, it’s lucky that I made it. With the baby almost overdue(*), it’s impossible  ... [More]


9Phone 9numbers

Well, today it happens – all phone numbers in my little part of the world, Melbourne, grow by a digit. A nine in front of every one. The government’s communications authority, Austel, claim it’s all to allow more phones, better services – all the usual stuff that Austel usually claim. But is that the real  ... [More]


New Album

Del Amitri has just released a new album. And what a kick in the teeth for their loyal fans – with the new album comes a free copy of their last album. Oh, thanks very much guys. Like we don’t already have it. Just ‘cos you woke up one Monday and realised you had ARRRGGHHH!  ... [More]


First aid/Mobile phones

Just went on a St John first aid course. And just to show you that you’d be in perfectly good hands if you collapsed in the street in front of me, here’s an ever so slightly modified version of their drill. Just remember the letters: LCPAH. (It makes it easier if you think of a  ... [More]


Changing names

Ever decided to change the way people know you? To use an alternative derivation of your name? Don’t. At least, try to avoid it. Unless you act like a fascist about it to the people you already know, it’s just too much hassle. New people who meet you will be okay. But anyone who already  ... [More]


Easter Weekend

All right, Easter weekend! Just about the longest of the long weekends, except for Christmas. Four days of unadulterated bliss. Okay, considering what’s being remembered on Friday, it doesn’t quite make sense to call it "Good", but I can live with that. Jesus gave that we might have a long weekend. Hmmm, doesn’t quite have  ... [More]



We just saw the remains of ELO in concert. The special effects at concerts are getting more impressive. The laser shows, formerly designed to impress, are now designed to partially blind you, and contain subliminal messages telling you to buy the band’s new album. The lights and lasers can be incredibly bright. You wouldn’t want  ... [More]


The curse of the late night joke

It’s late at night. You’re tired and/or tipsy. Your brain is powering down for the evening. And you are the FUNNIEST person in the world. Whether or not you’ll think so the morning after is another matter. Some musicians are not all that popular with the general public, but known and respected through the music  ... [More]

Film Geek

To baldly go…

I saw "Star Trek – Generations" over the weekend. Great movie. But I’ll tell you what I want to know: Why do none of the spacecraft have seat belts? Whenever there’s a battle, whenever a ship crashes into the ground, all you see are people being thrown all over the place. They may have made  ... [More]

Working life


I just went to a seminar. I like seminars. Seminars are good. For those of you who are still at university, or are otherwise not reputable hard-working citizens, here’s a quick description of how seminars happen. First, some bright spark decides he can charge companies a few hundred bucks to get them to send their  ... [More]



A WARNING TO ALL ATTACHED MALES: Tuesday is Valentine’s Day. Forget this, and three of your objects may not stay attached for very long.