
False alarm

It has been what you might call an eventful weekend. After a relaxing Saturday, plodding up and down Southbank, and dropping into Madame Tussauds (how the hell DO you pronounce it, anyway?), on Saturday night, L started having regular contractions. By the point that they were three minutes apart, we decided it was time for  ... [More]

driving Friends and loved ones

Rafflemania! / More on the driving test

No baby news yet. The due date is still a week away. In theory, he could arrive any day, but only he knows that. Today at work I’ve fallen victim to Rafflemania. One guy came around selling tickets for a Football Club raffle. The prize? 500 cans of beer. Thankfully, you can take the cash  ... [More]


Driving test day

Well. Watch out, world. Because the next street you cross… the next intersection you come to… I could be there! Okay, so actually I don’t have a car, but I did pass my driving test today. And you know what – I think I actually enjoyed it. I got a bit stressed beforehand, but during  ... [More]

driving Friends and loved ones

The weeks ahead

Well, on Tuesday it’s D-Day. Driving Test day. At the grand old age of twenty-seven and a half, I’m finally (hopefully) going to get a driver’s license. Something that most people do when they’re about ten years younger. Ah well, I guess I’m a late bloomer. To give me every advantage possible, I’m thinking of  ... [More]


I’ve been thinking

I’ve been thinking more and more about overseas travel recently. With the Aussie dollar plummetting against the UK Pound, it seems like quite a few people I know are considering zipping over there to work for a bit. This is something I’ve considered many times before, but never quite got organised enough to do. And  ... [More]

Home life

Now that’s what I call a dead possum

News from the front: The dead possum has fallen. Back in April last year, a possum electrocuted itself and was left dangling from an electricity wire outside our house. It was there for months, gradually decomposing, but still hanging in there. Well, this evening there was a reasonably fierce thunderstorm, and I noticed afterwards that  ... [More]


Pissed off

I don’t think I’m a particularly angry person, but the other day I got really really pissed off. At my mother. Perhaps getting cheesed off at your parents isn’t the most unusual of human experiences, but to get so angry as to hang-up on a person is beyond the normal bounds of my behaviour. I  ... [More]

News and events

New Year’s Resolutions

To help people all over the world live together in peace and harmony To get my neighbours evicted To tidy up my desk to the point where I can see it To see and take pictures of more of the world To defy the odds and get my driving license, preferably without crashing into anything.  ... [More]


Toilet humour (or “Honey, I broke the toilet”)

Reports are coming in from reputable sources that our neighbour has broken his toilet. Our neighbours in the flat downstairs are an old woman and her son, and quite frankly they can be a right pain in the arse sometimes. Their capacity for watching the TV all night with the volume turned right up knows  ... [More]


Christmas and aftermath

Well, all in all, it’s been a great Christmas long weekend. Lucky next week is broken up by New Year’s Day, otherwise going back to a full work week would be a bit of a blow. On Christmas Day we awoke to the inevitable pile of presents under the tree, and proceeded at a leisurely  ... [More]


Only one more sleep til Christmas!

Last night, the night before Christmas Eve (which could be called Christmas Eve Eve, but it sounds silly) found us enjoying dinner at a nice little (well, medium sized) Italian place in the city with friends from my previous jobs. We had been going to have Indian, but at not quite the last minute, I  ... [More]


Christmas time

Yowsers. It’s almost Christmas again, which means the year is practically over. Quite frankly I’m amazed at how fast it’s gone. We’re all ready for Christmas. We’ve bought all the presents, we’ve sent all the cards. Well, okay, so I personally didn’t do most of it – like most married men in the western world,  ... [More]