Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from February 2012

More photos from ten years ago – this time from February 2012

The Metcard to Myki transition was well underway, and Metcard machines were increasingly being removed and replaced.

Metcard machine about to be removed (Feb 2012)

Some Myki card vending machines however were still not vending cards.

Myki machine set to top-up only (Feb 2012)

This Metcard machine at Flinders Street was presumably in the process of removal. Note the MX free newspaper dispenser at left.

Removing a Metcard vending machine at Flinders Street (Feb 2012)

Not sure what was happening here – but it’s unlikely those charges of $1,053 were actually for travel.

Myki Check (Feb 2012)

Fare gates, originally introduced for Metcard but with add-ons to make them work with Myki, did not seem to be working terrifically well. (Bonus: people handing out MX.)

Fare gate deconstructed, Melbourne Central station (Feb 2012)

One effect of the slow gates and growing train patronage was people queuing on the road to enter Flinders Street Station.

Flinders Street station, Elizabeth Street entrance (Feb 2012)

Checking Myki Pass prices and discovering that they are rounded up to the next ten cents when bought through a vending machine. Note the lack of colour contrast – in recent years the so-called “Zoom” option (which actually switched to high contrast white on black) has been used as the default colour scheme.

Myki machine transaction: $124.62 rounded up to $124.70

This was an unusual sight, even in 2012: three people using a bank of pay phones. (They were eventually made free of charge in 2021)

On the phones, near the GPO (Feb 2012)

Selfie at Walhalla while camping.

Selfie at Walhalla (Feb 2012)

Flyers appeared around Bentleigh station, protesting at the railway crossing not having been removed (it eventually was, in 2016 as part of Labor’s big removal program) and train crowding.

Sign at Bentleigh station

The old Myer facade – during construction of Emporium.

Myers Lonsdale Street facade

Click to read the tale of the Metro emergency gate that wasn’t.

Emergency exit

Out on Swanston Street, the City Square tram platform stops were taking shape.

City Square tram superstops under construction (Feb 2012)

Waiting for a train at Flinders Street Station one evening.

Flinders Street station (Feb 2012)

The State Coalition had gone to the 2010 election with a policy of putting Protective Service Officers onto railway stations. Some of the first appeared in February 2012.

PSOs at Flinders Street (Feb 2012)

And finally, an encounter one evening at Armadale station with the singing group Men In Suits. I don’t remember exactly what they sang, but it may have included, as reported by The Age: ‘their unofficial Metro hymn of mourning to late and cancelled trains – with lines such as ”Let us remember the 10.53 from Epping which never made it through.” ‘

"Men In Suits" singing group, Armadale station (Feb 2012)

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

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