Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from November 2010

Here we go again – another post of photos from ten years ago.

Siemens train carriages have never had enough handholds.

Crowded train, Frankston line (due to delays)

…The photo below shows the layout from 2015 onwards: the removal of some seats near the doors and addition of more bars helped a bit, but along most of the carriage there’s still not enough.

Siemens train: new layout February 2015

Sunset over Melbourne, looking southwest towards Southbank. You can see a tram peeking out from behind St Paul’s.

Sunset over Melbourne (2/2)

Heavy rain at Bentleigh station. One benefit of the level crossing removal in 2016 is that all the drainage was improved.

Aftermath of the rain in Bentleigh

The Lonsdale Street Smartbus routes had launched a month earlier. I don’t think this bus stop sign quite matched the then Metlink signage standards.

Temporary signage on Lonsdale Street, November 2010

This bus lane wasn’t quite doing the job either. There’s often talk of separation measures for tram lanes – bus lanes should probably have something too.

Lonsdale Street bus lane, November 2010

State election time! Then State Opposition transport spokesperson Terry Mulder at a press conference in Parliament Station.

Then Opposition transport spokesman Terry Mulder, November 2010

Also for the state election, I was at the ABC’s Southbank centre for a TV interview, which they ended up doing in the foyer.

Preparing to record an interview in the foyer at ABC Southbank (November 2010)

The 2010 Bentleigh Festival was six days before the State Election. Here the Greens have set up next to incumbent Labor’s Rob Hudson’s electorate office. Neither of them won the seat – it went to the Liberals before swinging back in 2014.

Politicos at the Bentleigh Festival, November 2010

The border around a video screen is called a bezel, and ho boy, the 2010 versions used at the Elizabeth Street entrance to Flinders Street Station certainly had some thick ones.

Screens at Flinders Street Station, Elizabeth Street entrance (November 2010)

…Here’s the 2020 version: the screens now have more usable space, and are in colour.

Departure signage at Flinders Street station

It wasn’t hard to see that the Free Tram Zone would result in crowding – it just helped expand a long-running problem with the City Circle.

Crowded City Circle trams, November 2010

The FTZ is the subject of a Parliamentary report just released. There’s a 3AW interview from Thursday online here if you’re interested.

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

One reply on “Old photos from November 2010”

The Green’s campaign against Labor in Bentleigh effectively won the State election for the Liberals. I don’t think the Greens got what they wished for!

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