Another in my series of old photos from ten years ago…

One night while driving across town I decided to snap some pictures around the docks. It was only after I stopped the car and took a few photos that I realised how dodgy it probably looked.
A panoramic view along Spencer Street, outside Southern Cross Station. Note the lack of Media House on the left. And the whole area seems quieter back then that it is now.
(View it larger at Flickr)
A panoramic view along platform 2, inside Southern Cross Station.
(View it larger at Flickr)

Mucking about on a huge pile of tanbark at a local park.

Around this time I did a few timelapses around the house. Here I am constructing an IKEA Gorm shelf unit. These are tough but ugly. Initially it went into the (small) spare room, until the spare room became a bedroom. It lives on in my laundry.
(Animation made using GIFmaker)
2 replies on “Old photos from April 2006”
I love how the person in the background in the GIF gets progressively more and more comfortable until they’re on the floor.
Southern Cross Platform 2 + councourse looked much nicer empty…. No stupid gates and shops in the middle of walkways…