
The multi-lingual rhino poster

I quite like these ads:
Rhino (tram) advert

From what I’ve heard, the campaign was originally quite successful, but started to wear off after a few months, so I guess they need to keep revamping it to continue to get the message across.

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

7 replies on “The multi-lingual rhino poster”

I liked the series as well, but this particular one always irked me a bit because there are only 25 rhinos on the poster, but reference is made to 30 of them, what happend to the other 5… did they get hit by a tram. :-)

Here are the 25 languages on the poster:

* Chinese
* Dutch
* Filipino
* French
* German

* Greek
* Spanish
* Japanese
* As far as I can tell, Gibberish in Braille
* Afrikaans

* Croatian
* Klingon
* Arabic
* Italian
* Thai

* Vietnamese
* Samoan
* Macedonian (the ā€œJā€ was the giveaway)
* Korean
* Turkish

* Malay
* Hindi
* Serbian
* Russian
* English

(courtesy of Crikey’s language blog, Fully (sic):

Out of curiosity- how did you hear “it was quiet successful, but began to wear off”

I’m just interested to how this is measured- is Yarra Trams looking at number of causalities or something?

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