
No more tie

This week I stopped wearing a tie to work.

I’ve moved to a new office, where the norm is no ties. I could wear one, but would stick out. So effectively it’s the new uniform.

As I noted last year, when I started working in 1993, pretty much every male white-collar worker wore a tie. Not any more — particularly not in IT.

In some ways I’ll miss them. And it might be time to buy some more coloured shirts… I think white shirts (worn without a jacket during the summer) look odd without a tie.

And I’ll probably miss it when doing TV media. Would it be cheating to keep one in the drawer at work for that?

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

10 replies on “No more tie”

yeah, the 20-somethings in my office don’t wear ties. Seems to be the fashion at the moment. I just hope cravats don’t become trendy again!

I’m surprised you even have to wear a jacket and shirt. I haven’t worn a suit to work in years (except for the standard times: job interviews and the first week). I always migrate back to jeans and t-shirt very quickly.

Love Chunks is a meteorologist and hasn’t worn a tie in his entire twenty year career. When he heads overseas twice a year, it almost physically pains him to have to pack a ‘real’ suit and a couple of ties.

By all means pack one in your desk for media interviews but if you were business casual (ie open shirt, no tie) you’d still look like you knew what you were talking about.

You look professional in those TV interviews, Daniel. Not overdressed, just professional.

I don’t think it would be cheating.

In the federal gov we have dress codes which occasionally needs to be reinforced, on a recent visit to our office in Penrith (Sydney outer west) I saw a notice in the lift foyer reminding staff of what was considered appropriate, apart from thongs and skimpy clothing, staff were reminded not to wear pyjamas to work. I asked a colleague who worked there and apparently this was an issue with shift workers in the call centre.

In the public sector if you wear a tie and youโ€™re not in the executive grades youโ€™re seen as being a bit odd, I gave it up after a few months, most staff wear casual, unless dealing with the public.

Don’t worry about it. There are some great casual workwear items that will look more professional and thoughtful than a suit or tie.

This very morning, I presented Pure Hacking’s CIO breakfast briefing. Not only did I not a wear a tie, the vast overwhelming majority of the CIOs weren’t wearing ties.

Currently, the only folks I come across regularly who still wear suits are lawyers and entry level staff at hotels and so on. It’s always been a costume, but now it’s starting to look out of place, particularly the full three piece regalia and tie.

I for one will love it when we universally adopt our climate’s actual requirements than a late 19th Century dress code for the well connected London businessman. It’s not a British climate any day of the summer here, and we should dress to reflect that.

I can’t wearing pants any more. I want Bermuda shorts.

My stance has evolved since your post last year – I don’t wear a tie at all anymore.

I have also decreased how much I wear my jacket – still wear it into the office, but two or three days of the week I’ll take it off for mist of the day.

The tie has officially died… Bit of a shame given my extensive wardrobe of them, so many of the bastards they hang on an electronic carasel!

I think you should wear a tie that sticks out – literally – like an arrow – that’d make you a talking point. ;)

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