
The amazing two-dimensional building

I was reminded at the weekend that near where I used to work, there’s a partly-triangular building. It’s at the corner of Nicholson Street and Victoria Parade.

Here’s what it looks like from above…
Flat building from above

But look at it from the Lonsdale Street exit of Parliament Station, and it looks like it’s flat — two-dimensional.
Flat building

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

6 replies on “The amazing two-dimensional building”

Was that visual effect the intent of the architect? I guess it was — nice work. The architecture of some building must cost the building owners a fortune in construction complexities and lost rental space. I wonder if the owners calculate what, for example, a three story lobby costs in lost rental opportunity, or do they see the concept drawing and simple think โ€œThat looks nice”? Money runs most things now — I find it amazing, and fortunate, that all office buildings aren’t plain square towers built to the maximum allowable height.

I thought the triangular building was the Dept of Sustainability & Environment – next door to Orica. I worked there two years ago as a temp for one week. Building is two sizes in one – the upper floors are the triangular and don’t take up the same size footprint as the lower floors. Inside on the lower levels there are atria. The tea room beside the DSE briefing room in the lower levels is the best tea room I have ever seen with beautiful views across the tree tops of Carlton Gardens to the cupola of the Exhibition Building poking out of them as if riding on the tea tops.

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