Geek Home life

Things that make my life easier

Some random things that make my life easier:

  • The dishwasher. Run it every few days (when full). Cool.
  • RSS. Lets me catch up on news and blogs in seconds flat.
  • The 8:06 and 8:17 expresses. Bentleigh to Parliament in 17 minutes. If there’s a faster way into the city in peak hour (barring helicopter) I’d like to hear about it. Shame they’re the only two that fast – most trains take closer to 25 minutes.
  • Internet banking. Without it I’d be spending half my life in queues at the post office or the bank. As it is I only do so when I need stamps.
  • Weather forecasts. These days they seem relatively accurate. Less guesswork about taking a jacket or brolly. Can get ’em via mobile phone, TV teletext and web, which is good, as I invariably miss them on the TV news. (But I don’t understand why overseas web companies are unable to source accurate weather forecasts… in Centigrade.)

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

4 replies on “Things that make my life easier”

why is that it is…………
my dishwasher rack is rusting away.
a replacement rack will cost as much as a new
dish washer!!!!!
keep on rock’n in the free world
neil young wrote that song and has a new record
coming out in early may.
let’s impeach prez. bush
check out neil young web sights
this is gonna be great!!!!
bush is insane.
and my dishwasher is insane
lets impeach bush.
kev from phoenix, arizona, u.s.of a.
p.s. listen to mike malloy on air america

Wireless connection for me. Can now do my work from home with a minimum of fuss any time night or day and from anywhere in my house.
Fan forced oven works for me too. Even heat distribution. Oh, and self-cleaning ovens are the best.

Online checking definitely rocks.

In the US, we can buy stamps online or by leaving an order form in the mailbox — no postage on delivered stamps. Many grocery stores/card shops also sell postage (at face value) which means no trips to post office required.

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