
Friday rambling

My new iPod is having troubles. (And an update.) Sigh. But hey, look on the bright side. With Labour Day last Monday, next week Good Friday, the week after that Easter Monday… there’s three weeks in a row of short working weeks, and accompanied by copious amounts of chocolate. (Or religion, if you feel so  ... [More]

Doctor Who

This looks good

Okay, so you might expect me to say so in any case, but damn this trailer looks good… Now… could our ABC people please pull their fingers out and buy this new Doctor Who series please? DIVX 4.5Mb MPEG 11.8Mb (Special thanks to those brave souls who put this kind of stuff online for people  ... [More]


Green power

I got a letter yesterday from AGL asking me to join their “green power” programme for electricity and gas. That is, whatever amount you use they’ll guaranteed to generate the same amount from renewable sources. (Which makes sense for electricity, though I don’t know how they reckon they could do that for gas). Now, call  ... [More]


Daniel joins the podders

I finally succumbed to that iPod I’ve been covetting. Bye bye $449, hello 40Gb and my entire CD collection on a single tiny electronic gizmo. Uhh, that is, it’s a portable storage device… it’s a work tool, don’tcha know. For moving big files around. And for drowning out the ambient noise when I’m trying to  ... [More]

Food'n'drink Here is my

Here is my fridge door

Here we go, back to celebrating the mundane… Here is the inside of my fridge door: And the milk? For some reason, I keep it in the main part of the fridge. Just habit, I suspect. Feel free to post a picture of the inside of your fridge door… Link in the Trackbacks or comments.  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones


Last night I laughed harder than I had in years. You know when someone cracks a joke that sets some people off, and the laughter from others builds a momentum and you just can’t stop? That’s what happened. I don’t know how long I or the others laughed for, but I laughed so hard my  ... [More]


Web site notes

So, why the name change? ToxicCustard is a name that’s been with me for more than 15 years, and first got an airing with some writing of mine in university, back in 1990. I’ve grown and changed in the last 15 years. Matured, I hope, and I no longer feel the name no longer sits  ... [More]



Welcome to the new blog URL. Feel free to update your bookmarks and blogrolls. Update 5pm. Well most stuff is working now, and forwarding is in place from the old site. Some of the title graphics for entries from 1998-2003 (years not yet migrated into WordPress) are broken; will fix those soon. Other than that,  ... [More]

Home life

Lesson for the day

Isaac learnt an important lesson yesterday: look where you’re going, and don’t hurry around a blind corner. The consequences may be a fat lip, blood from a cut in the mouth, a painful (though not broken) leg, and much distress. The kid on the bike didn’t fare too well either, the saddle disconnecting from the  ... [More]

Politics and activism transport

Sometimes it pays to be a packrat

Don’t throw away your February Met ticket: Connex will have to offer compensation for the first time ever to all Connex Melbourne train customers who hold a monthly or longer ticket from February. They got caught by a mere 0.01%, with 91.99% arriving within 5 minutes of their scheduled time, just barely under their 92%  ... [More]

Doctor Who

The Doctor escapes

Back in the late 80s and early 90s, when my interest in TV peaked, I spent some time procuring TV series well before their Australian debuts, courtesy of overseas contacts, twin VCRs and airmail. Thus I was able to see Red Dwarf series 4 and 5 only weeks after they aired on BBC2, albeit on  ... [More]

Film TV

Yoda, Grover is

Happened upon Star Wars: The Phantom Menace on TV while channel-flicking on Saturday night. You know, Frank Oz did the voice for Yoda. He also did Grover from Sesame Street. Have a listen to Yoda, and you can tell it’s the same guy. Just that Yoda is a bit more mellow. (When I pointed this  ... [More]