Paddington Market, on a Saturday around lunch time |
While Adrian went off to indulge in his weekend love of windsurfing, Iris, Susannah and I headed down to Paddington, for a stroll around the groovy streets of Sydney’s inner-east. For a little while it felt like we were walking through an anthology of Australian music: we saw a bit of Darlinghurst, went past South Dowling Street, and quite close to Taylor Square. Eventually we reached the Paddington Market and munched on some lunch while listening to a busker play some very good guitar music, while a steady stream of visitors ambled up, put $20 notes in his box and took away a CD.
Then we wandered around the market, before munching on some ice-cream and beginning the long trudge back to the car. After all that walking it was time for a short snooze when we got back, followed by some TV, some phone calls, and then we headed over to The Oaks to meet up with some happy mailing list readers. In retrospect we should have been on time, and should have nominated which of the 257 bars in The Oaks to meet in, because absolutely nobody turned up.
We made the most of the place, and had a drink and a delicious meal and hung around for a couple of hours just in case, then left, feeling a little miserable and swearing never to step foot in this Godforsaken town of philistines again. No, not really, actually I thought it was pretty funny. Instead we had a bit of a walk around Neutral Bay, and strolled through St Leonard’s Park to the top of the hill to look at the marvellous view of the Harbour Bridge and city skyline by night.