

I thought I was doing quite well at the footy tipping – until this weekend. Now I’m beginning to think it was nothing more than an lucky streak. Of the 8 games this weekend, I successfully picked 2! TWO! Pathetic, even if I say so myself! I haven’t seen the others’ results, but this will  ... [More]

Consumerism Politics and activism

Call now!

The state and federal governments have been splitting up government businesses and selling them off. To introduce competition, they say, to improve services. So now the Victorian police are having problems responding to crime. 45 minutes to get to a burglary, that sort of thing. So I was thinking… they should do the same thing:  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Melbourne


Amazing as it may seem, today is our seventh anniversary. So last night to celebrate we went out for a couple of hours, down to St Kilda. This may not seem like a huge celebration, but I don’t need to tell any fellow parents of young children that getting out of the house without them  ... [More]

Melbourne Sport


Somehow, I’m not sure how, I’m doing really well at the footy tipping at work. Okay, it’s only the third round, but I’m leading the competition, with 18 games tipped (out of 24). It’s the first time I’ve even entered footy tipping, and I can’t for the life of me work out how I’m doing  ... [More]

Home life Melbourne

Moving the borders

A mysterious group of faceless bureaucrats loosely arranged into a group called the Place Names Committee has been busy moving suburban boundaries around Melbourne again. Apparently they take submissions from local councils, residents, and anybody else who can be bothered moaning about it, then they get together with a Melways and a few beers and  ... [More]

Geek Net


Last Monday I got a warning about the Melissa virus. To my surprise, it turned out to actually be genuine. The number of times I’ve had the Good Times virus warning and its clones arrive in my e-mail – not to mention legends of stolen kidneys, bloody Craig Shergold and the cards – is alarmingly  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Health

*Ring* *Ring* *Huaawwwaaarrrrrkkk*

They say that careless talk costs lives. Well, I want the head of whoever called at 8pm tonight. Allow me to elucidate. At 8pm tonight, I was attempting to get the youngest of my two sons to bed. Jeremy, just over one year old, was in my arms, just dropping off as I gently rocked  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Sport

GP or not GP

Utter tragedy at the Formula 1 Grand Prix today. My mate Mick was forced to break the tradition of two years, because he couldn’t hold his usual GP party at his flat. It’s just near the track, with a roof garden, so you get all the atmosphere – the helicopters, the noise from the cars,  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Where’d the month go?

Good grief, only two diary entries this month? What can be happening? Well, given that I spend most of my working day at a keyboard staring in front of a screen, I try to limit the amount of time I spend at home doing this, and this month, just like every month since October, much  ... [More]


Lurch. Thump. Whatthehellhappened?!

I think I’ve found what is more or less the ideal parking space at work. Alas, no spaces are available in the underground carpark, so it has to be out on the street. But after some trial and error, I’ve been parking in a spot that is always in the shade in the afternoon, but  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Very Important Photocopy!

My mate Brian flew out to LA today with his fiance. She’s American, they’ve been rushing around getting papers together for an immigration application. On Friday night we were trying to work out where to get something photocopied – we ended up driving up to K-Mart at Chadstone! Ten minutes before the place closed, and  ... [More]


Famous for fifteen milliseconds

Apparently I’m a Net identity. And the web site you’re reading is infamous! I know, because I just read it in black and white – well, okay, in black and beige – in the February issue of Australian Personal Computer. They reckon I’m getting a prize for reporting a bug in their own magazine CD.  ... [More]