
The Wiggles

My son Isaac likes The Wiggles. Actually, every Australian kid between the ages of six months and ten years like The Wiggles. No matter which way you look at it, The Wiggles are cool. For small children, The Wiggles act as an instant sedative. Bung on the video and Isaac gazes up at the screen,  ... [More]


Toxic Custard turns six

It’s kind of scary when you think about it. Toxic Custard has been going for six years. That’s as long as I spent in the entire of high school. It’s a helluva long time. Where did all those years go? I guess I’ve been having too much fun. In Australia, ABC viewers have a chance  ... [More]

Home life


Had a haircut on today. I’m don’t know how the barber does it. He just knows exactly how to cut it. I’ve been going to this guy for over a year now, every couple of months. It’s got to the point where I just sit in the chair, he asks "the usual?", I say yes,  ... [More]

Working life


This week was definitely the most interesting week at work ever. The events surrounding the beta trial of the software we’re developing have been fascinating. Most of my colleagues who are reading this know exactly what I’m talking about. The rest will know exactly what I’m talking about when I mention the number three. Unfortunately  ... [More]

News and events

Queen Mother

The Queen Mother turned 96 today. I wonder… when she turns 100, will she get a telegram from the Queen?


Terrible mistake

I have made a terrible mistake. I have screwed up mightily. I have jeopardised the entire nation’s future, and placed future generations at risk. I have filled in the Census form a week too early. I should have read it properly. I got as far as reading that it had to be filled in on  ... [More]



I’m not normally the biggest sports fan around, but the Olympics has got me interested. It’s not been hard to get interested in the last few days, with Australia picking up swags of medals. Makes up for the pathetic performance of the first few days. Now as of the time of writing we’re ranking seventh  ... [More]


Office re-organisation

Another office re-organisation looms at work. It means I’ll sit at the fourth – or is it fifth – desk in less than two years. Even now I can see the high level managers in a boardroom somewhere with a chess board-like diagram of the building, moving pieces around, deciding which departments move to other  ... [More]


Writing to the rellies

Writing letters to relatives can be a chore. It depends on the relative of course, but occasionally you can be stuck for something to say. "What can I mention to Aunt Netty… no, she wouldn’t understand any of that… that would give her a heart attack… and if I mention that she’ll be writing back  ... [More]



We found out that our local newsagent’s name is Hercules. Just as well, given how bulky the Saturday papers are. Speaking of Hercules, have you clocked that show about Hercules? I haven’t actually watched it – I think I can tell how awful it is just from watching the commercials. Okay, so historical (or mythological)  ... [More]


Exercise bike

An exercise bike has arrived in our house. It sits there in the corner of the room, just daring you to get on and burn some fat. Once you climb on and start pedalling, it lets you know how far and how fast you’d be going if you weren’t going nowhere. It also lets you  ... [More]


Sense of humour

Have you ever worked with someone whose sense of humour is off at a tangent to everyone else’s? The kind of person who thinks that Dilbert cartoon on the noticeboard is funny – not because of the cartoon itself, but the fact that it’s written by someone called Scott, and there’s also a guy called  ... [More]