
Video: What you get to see trackside at the Grand Prix

If you’ve never been to the Grand Prix (which is on today), here (from 2009 when I went for The Who concert) is what you get to see trackside. Can’t say it appeals much to me. Note what I assume are sonic booms.

Memes rule, pass it on music

One artist challenge

I’m only doing this ‘cos (a) Rae tagged me (a while back) and (b) I had a smartarse answer for the first question. The ONE ARTIST Challenge ! Choosing only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 15 people you like and include me. You can’t use the band  ... [More]

music Retrospectives

Who are you?

When I was younger I used to focus on a fairly narrow range of music, heavily influenced by what my peers had introduced me to. One day circa 1988 Raoul brought over a VHS tape of some band he liked called The Who. It was a compilation called Who’s Better Who’s Best. I remember I  ... [More]

Culture Politics and activism

Did we get fooled again?

Last night I found myself watching some of the Concert For NYC, in particular The Who’s performance. I’m still not going to splurge out on their forthcoming concert (dubbed rather cruelly by one friend as “Who’s left?”). But this four song performance from 2001 is great music. And remembering it in context, very moving, a  ... [More]