This modelling of a hypothetical family’s transport expenses is very limited, but it’s clear that substantial savings can only be achieved by reducing the number of cars in the household.
Transport in a cost of living crisis

This modelling of a hypothetical family’s transport expenses is very limited, but it’s clear that substantial savings can only be achieved by reducing the number of cars in the household.
While the debate about new and expanded station car parks continues to rage, I wonder if authorities are properly managing the ones they have? The whole reason for politicians wanting to expand station car parks is that in normal times, they are full. But are they full of train users? How can one tell? This ... [More]
This caught my eye: a commuter at Aircraft station: …uses the station five days a week and said she had given up trying to get a park at the station. “Because of the traffic congestion on Point Cook Road and because of the lack of car parking facilities at the station, I choose to walk ... [More]
Melbourne’s rail network already has some huge car parks, up to 1000 spaces at some stations, as many as a medium-sized shopping centre. There are more than 40,000 spaces across the Metro network, and thousands more on V/Line. Unlike in some cities, they’re all free. The common complaint is that all station car parks fill ... [More]