What’s going on with iPhone and Myki?
Myki, iPhone and payment cards

What’s going on with iPhone and Myki?
I was thinking of using my Commonwealth Bank credit card points to get myself an iPad, or an iPad Mini. After much consultation and trying them out, I thought I’d go for the Mini, which I have about enough points for. There’s a catch — ordering stuff from points can take quite a while for ... [More]
Myki has well-known problems. It’s been an incredibly long saga to get it running, and to the point now where it’s pretty reliable and the government is confident enough to push ahead with phasing-out Metcard. The cost to taxpayers has been huge. Touching on and off can be fiddly, particularly in a crowd and particularly ... [More]
On AM on Thursday they noted research which shows four in ten people use credit for basic purchases such as groceries, the implication being that many of those are doing so because they can’t use cash as they need to defer that spending to stay afloat. PETER RYAN: So credit cards being used for entertainment ... [More]
One of my credit cards expired at the end of last month. It happens to be the one I hang most of my automatic payments off. My ISPs (internet access and web) emailed me to ask for new details. So too did Citylink and the after-school care people, so I updated all of those. The ... [More]