

I drive into the station car park. It’s 9am, just after school drop off time. A woman sitting on the platform watches. She must wonder what on earth I’m doing. Everyone knows the car park is full by 8:15. I see my target: the old red car. I stop next to it. I dig around  ... [More]


House update

2pm. Well, I put in an offer for The House. Hopefully not so low that it isn’t taken seriously, but not so high that I’ve got nowhere to move when they inevitably come back to me asking for more. Tell you what, it’s quite a buzz. My fingers remain figuratively crossed (it’s a little hard  ... [More]



Well the bank has come back and said "Yes Daniel, you can borrow a bunch of money to buy a house and pay it back over the next decade or two, earning us a bunch of interest in the process". So, next step is to psyche myself up and make an offer for The House…  ... [More]


Different spheres

At St Kilda Beach Lazing on the pier at St Kilda Beach on a sunny holiday afternoon Music is one of those things which is greatly enhanced when it’s a shared cultural experience. A concert or a dance is much more enjoyable when not only you, but everyone else around you is familiar with the  ... [More]



I picked up the registered letter from the post office, and sure enough it’s a notice to vacate. But it’s 90 days. This is good, as I was expecting 60 days. Under law it’s 60 days if they want to use the property for another purpose (eg renovating it and selling it to yuppies and  ... [More]


The countdown begins

Tonight I got home to find a note saying there’s a registered letter waiting for me at the post office. Which, unless something completely and utterly unexpected has arrived for me by registered mail, means I have sixty days to move out. No surprise really – they’ve already started ripping the guts out of the  ... [More]


Grave digging

Today I was out grave digging… uhhh, grave hunting with Danielle, who is down from Sydney for the week hunting down ancestors. We tracked down a house in Malvern where one of them used to live, then went toSt Kilda Cemetery to potter about among the graves. Creepy? No, not really. It was a glorious  ... [More]



Feel much better now, though I didn’t get much sleep last night. I remember going to bed about midnight, and trying to get to sleep, and every so often looking at the clock with increasing frustration… 1:00… 2:30… 3:30… 4:00… and thinking oh, this is getting ridiculous. What caused that? Surely not the few squares  ... [More]

Health TMI

Have a bucket handy?

Hey Daniel Yeah? You need to go to the toilet. Now. Do I? Okay. Ooh. That doesn’t feel right. I wonder if I’m okay. Hey Daniel Yeah? Toilet again. So soon? And do you have a bucket handy? Yeah I think so. Grab it. Okay. What for… oohhhh… oohh dear… bleaaarrrrgghhh…. Well now. That’s a  ... [More]



2:05pm. Oh FFS, Mr Speakerphone’s office just got invaded with one of his colleagues and his entire family. Come to admire the view. So, the 28th floor is a fucking tourist attraction now? Am I the only one doing any work here? (Well, apart from stopping in anger to write this, that is.) Time for  ... [More]


Busy busy busy

Busy busy busy. So, what have I been up to? I’ve been disorganised. A pile of mail grew steadily over the last week or two on a chair in my study/spare room/computer room (whatever I’m calling it this week), and – not for the first time – the pile included a credit card bill that  ... [More]



MX’s Showdown with Saddam page bar. Over on the other end of the bar is a little aeroplane. With the war continuing, I thought it interesting to look at what the various media outlets are calling it. Some have gone for something of a neutral title (mostly the purely geographical "War in Iraq"), and some  ... [More]