
Move part 2

How to dispose of an old unwanted computer… drop it off the upstairs balcony into a bin. Not as elaborate as the VCR, but fun nonetheless. Make sure your sound is turned up – the thump as it lands is particularly satisfying. So, here I am in the dying days of this eight year old  ... [More]


Starting the move

Things I discovered during the pack small stuff, put in car, drive, get out of car, unpack, repeat routine today: I have too many video tapes. I had too many video tapes last time I moved (kinda), three years ago. This has not been resolved. Actually I have too much of just about everything. And  ... [More]


Nutbag alert! (when blogs collide)

Last Sunday I took the kids to the Melbourne Museum. A bunch of fun to be had, and at the new government subsidised price of $6 for an adult, free for everybody else, a bargain. And it hasn’t been a waste of taxpayers funds, either – not only is museum patronage way up, but long  ... [More]

Home life Ranting


For the second day in a row this morning one of the builders was needlessly blocking the driveway with his ute. It’s one of those bright red ones that is way too new and shiny for a builder’s ute, and I bet he never drives it onto proper building sites where there might be mud  ... [More]



My very own mountain of boxes, ready for packing On Saturday I signed the lease at the new house, then I went box hunting. In this day and age of recycling, it should come as no surprise that most shops these days are exceedingly efficient at crushing boxes and piling them up for collection almost  ... [More]

Film music


Top CDs/songs to play really loudly when you realise you no longer have neighbours to annoy, and even if you did annoy someone you can’t be evicted because you’re moving next week anyway: Hoodoo Gurus: 1000 Miles Away Paul Kelly: Deeper Water the Edge Of Darkness soundtrack Most of Who’s Next, obviously and Led Zeppelin  ... [More]


The house and the money pit

I thought my credit card balance was looking far too healthy, so I took my car in for a service today. I realised when I got into the car how filthy it looked… how embarrassing, taking it to the service place in such a state. Ah well. So I dropped it off and went into  ... [More]



Buying shampoo seems to get more and more difficult, at least for us blokes. I went into the supermarket the other day to buy (among other things) a new bottle of the shampoo I’ve been using. One of those Herbal Essences ones, which I like despite the wanky advertising. Apparently it’s got mountain spring water  ... [More]


And then there were three

The neighbours downstairs moved out today. Three of us left. I spent some of the day looking at rental properties. Place#1 – very nicely renovated. With a fridge cavity far too small to fit my humungous fridge into. Place#2 – not renovated at all. Big and roomy, but cold, damp and dark. Yeuch. Place#3 –  ... [More]

Home life Working life

My day (in even more excruciating detail than last time)

5:something. I’m awake. Why am I awake? It’s way too early to be awake. Go back to sleep. 7:15. Alarm goes off. I wake again with a start. Damn morning. Shuddup alarm clock. Hit snooze. 9 minutes more. 7:24. Alarm goes off again. Argh. Do I really have to go to work? Eventually. Snooze again.  ... [More]


They’re keen

A gentle knock at the door just after dinner. It was the real estate agent handling the sale of the block to developers. He wondered how my moving out plans were going, if he could be of any assistance, basically quizzing me about when I’d be out so the renovator guys can move in. I  ... [More]

Home life TMI

Definitely not

The real estate agent called… finally the vendor made a decision on the house. The decision is… no decision. She won’t sell for the amount I offered, and she wants a heap more money. Fat chance. I mean, it’s a nice place, but I think what I offered is possibly stretching what it’s worth. If  ... [More]