
You bastards!

From today’s Age:



On Wednesday, driving to a client site (aka a mate of a mate who wanted a program debugged), I encountered what in TCWF‘s younger days was called a Moron Of The Week. A little old lady, obviously not fully grasping the whole concept of footpath versus road, had decided to cross (on foot) a roundabout  ... [More]


Koornang Road Blues

I think maybe Koornang Road in Carnegie doesn’t like my car. This is not some unfounded irrational fear of a particular street. Twice last weekend I had umm…. driving altercations there. Last Friday night we piled into the car for a little shopping at Chadstone – Chaddy, as it’s known. Cruising down Koornang Road on  ... [More]

driving Friends and loved ones

The long and winding freeway

Around a year ago, just a few short months after I’d got my car, a mate of mine (in the sense that I see him perhaps once a year, but when I do, I say something like "Mate! How’re you going?"), Mike, asked me "so, has the car changed your life yet?" At the time,  ... [More]


Lurch. Thump. Whatthehellhappened?!

I think I’ve found what is more or less the ideal parking space at work. Alas, no spaces are available in the underground carpark, so it has to be out on the street. But after some trial and error, I’ve been parking in a spot that is always in the shade in the afternoon, but  ... [More]


Thou shalt not…

Well, it had to happen. What a way to start the year. At lunchtime a couple of workmates and I decided to take a spin in the car down to our local friendly discount record shop, the legendary JB’s. I had parked under a tree, and wouldn’t you know it, it was one of those  ... [More]

Morons on the road transport

Phun with phones

A couple of years ago, I had a regular TCWF feature called "Moron of the Week". It showcased a particularly moronic driver I’d seen on the roads that week. People liked it, but I got tired of the concept. Tonight however, I spotted one. Getting off the tram to go home, a woman in a  ... [More]


A week on the road / Me versus The Hill

All went (nearly) to plan on Tuesday. There was a little mishap with the bank involving a delay in them coughing up the car loan money, but the bank staff very kindly handed over the bank cheque despite the delay, but failed to mention that this would mean our everyday spending account would be about  ... [More]


Now we’re (almost) motoring

It seems like it’s only been about a month since I got my driver’s licence. Oh, wait, it has been about a month since I got my driver’s licence. Well, I’m about to take the next step. I’m about to buy a car. Yes, I know that most people have got their licence and some  ... [More]

driving Friends and loved ones

Rafflemania! / More on the driving test

No baby news yet. The due date is still a week away. In theory, he could arrive any day, but only he knows that. Today at work I’ve fallen victim to Rafflemania. One guy came around selling tickets for a Football Club raffle. The prize? 500 cans of beer. Thankfully, you can take the cash  ... [More]


Driving test day

Well. Watch out, world. Because the next street you cross… the next intersection you come to… I could be there! Okay, so actually I don’t have a car, but I did pass my driving test today. And you know what – I think I actually enjoyed it. I got a bit stressed beforehand, but during  ... [More]

driving Friends and loved ones

The weeks ahead

Well, on Tuesday it’s D-Day. Driving Test day. At the grand old age of twenty-seven and a half, I’m finally (hopefully) going to get a driver’s license. Something that most people do when they’re about ten years younger. Ah well, I guess I’m a late bloomer. To give me every advantage possible, I’m thinking of  ... [More]