
Office re-organisation

Another office re-organisation looms at work. It means I’ll sit at the fourth – or is it fifth – desk in less than two years. Even now I can see the high level managers in a boardroom somewhere with a chess board-like diagram of the building, moving pieces around, deciding which departments move to other  ... [More]


Writing to the rellies

Writing letters to relatives can be a chore. It depends on the relative of course, but occasionally you can be stuck for something to say. "What can I mention to Aunt Netty… no, she wouldn’t understand any of that… that would give her a heart attack… and if I mention that she’ll be writing back  ... [More]



We found out that our local newsagent’s name is Hercules. Just as well, given how bulky the Saturday papers are. Speaking of Hercules, have you clocked that show about Hercules? I haven’t actually watched it – I think I can tell how awful it is just from watching the commercials. Okay, so historical (or mythological)  ... [More]


Exercise bike

An exercise bike has arrived in our house. It sits there in the corner of the room, just daring you to get on and burn some fat. Once you climb on and start pedalling, it lets you know how far and how fast you’d be going if you weren’t going nowhere. It also lets you  ... [More]


Sense of humour

Have you ever worked with someone whose sense of humour is off at a tangent to everyone else’s? The kind of person who thinks that Dilbert cartoon on the noticeboard is funny – not because of the cartoon itself, but the fact that it’s written by someone called Scott, and there’s also a guy called  ... [More]


Vaccuum cleaner

Last year we got a new vaccuum cleaner. The interesting thing about it is the lack of retractable cord. It’s as if the designers said "right! That’s it! We know everybody’s sick of retractable cords that don’t work. Oh sure, they whiz back away for the first few months, but then they slow down and  ... [More]


Trading Post

Reading through the Trading Post over the weekend, a few of the ads struck me as a trifle suspect. See what you think: Infrared & low light hand held night scope, Israeli made, suit surveillance or hobbyist $750 Hobbyist?! Just what kind of hobby requires a hand held night scope?! Only one really comes to  ... [More]

Urban tribes

Common urban tribes: Middle-aged male

Common urban commuter tribes of the 67 NAME: Middle-aged white collar male (Daggus Middleagi) APPEARANCE: Greying or disappearing hair. Striped tie, Hush Puppies. Pullover under jacket on cold days. Plastic raincoat on wet days. ACCESSORIES: Old beaten up briefcase. NEVER has a walkman. Always has an umbrella – just in case. VOCABULARY: Not known to  ... [More]


Clear out

We’re attempting a major clear out of the spare room. Okay, so I’m willing to admit that it’s quite possible that the natural state of the spare room is to be messy. But this messy? What would my mother say? (Yes mum, that’s why it’s always locked and bolted shut.) That ten year old Melways  ... [More]

Urban tribes

Common urban tribes: Groovy women

Common urban commuter tribes of the 67 NAME: Groovy women (Hippus floppyhatti) APPEARANCE: Never over 40. Generally wearing boots, a beret, beanie or floppy hat. Short hair and an abundance of black clothing. ACCESSORIES: Gloves during winter. Cloth bag or one of those dicky little backpacks. Probably has a mobile phone, but then, who hasn’t?  ... [More]

Melbourne USA 1996 🇺🇸🇨🇦

School buses and Coke

School buses. There is nothing quite like an American school bus. I don’t know why they have to be that colour, but it’s cool. Maybe they found people just didn’t spot them unless they were big, yellow and with lots of stop signs attached. After a few days on holiday in America, the school buses  ... [More]

Urban tribes

Common urban tribes: Young male executive

Common urban commuter tribes of the 67 NAME: Young male executive/consultant (Yuppis Andersenis) APPEARANCE: Double breasted suit or jacket and trousers. Fancy tie. Button-down collar. 55% chance of cuff-links. Trenchcoat in winter. ACCESSORIES: Mobile phone generally concealed about person, but nobody ever calls. Copy of The Financial Review. Briefcase or big leather diary. VOCABULARY: Mostly  ... [More]