
John Cleese in a bikini

Curses! About a month ago our PC at home had the monitor go in for repair. They replaced it with a nicer one, so I was really hoping they’d somehow forget about us and we’d get to keep it, instead of getting our old ratty one back again. Alas, it was not meant to be  ... [More]


Birthdays and Logies and jobs

Isaac turned two last Thursday, and yesterday we had a whole bunch of kids over to celebrate his birthday. Large numbers of small kids descending on a house can sometimes be a daunting prospect, but we made sure that they would be outnumbered by adults, so we thought it’d be okay. I’m sitting here, unable  ... [More]



I think I need to get fit. This afternoon on the way home from dropping off the auxiliary VCR for one of its occasional services (this being the occasion of it ceasing to work), I did the 150 Metre Across Huntingdale Station Carpark Down The Ramp Through The Underpass Up The Ramp And Onto The  ... [More]


Mission into enemy territory

Yesterday I went on a mission deep inside enemy territory – and I’m not going back. It was a dangerous seek and retrieve mission into the unknown… into… the fabric shop. Most men don’t even notice fabric shops when they’re single. Once attached, most hang around the doorway waiting for their partner – or if  ... [More]


Hunting and drinks

The hunt for jobs continues. The fax/modem and phone haven’t been as busy in ages. And of course it’s a very good time to catch up with old friends and colleagues and see how they’re doing, what they’re up to, and most importantly, if they have any jobs! So last night we had drinkies with  ... [More]


Today’s excuse

At work on Monday I was told to be in early Tuesday for an 8am meeting with – get this – a graphic designer. I told them no chance. There is absolutely no way you would ever see a graphic designer in at 8 in the morning. It’s not natural. They are genetically incapable of  ... [More]


In the neighbourhood

I’m in a hurry, so here’s just a few snippets of neighbourhood news… Tonight we lost an hour of power, again. The electricity company didn’t tell us why, and you can bet they won’t give us a refund! While the power was out we took the opportunity to run down to the supermarket and get  ... [More]

Working life

Work week number nine, number nine

Nobody seems to know what happened to the allegedly expected delivery of the alleged PCs on Thursday. They’re also trying to decide whether or not to extend our contracts beyond May. Although we haven’t been exactly productive so far, were they to actually put PCs on our desks, we’d be able to have a crack  ... [More]


Need your eyes tested?

Well it’s official: I’m a bit colour-blind. So now I have an excuse for all those hideous combinations of clothing I turn up to work in. And for putting such garish colours onto the Web pages I build. It was my sister who suggested I go to get my eyes checked. A good idea, since  ... [More]

Working life

The dawning of a new day

6am. As I write, the dawning of week eight, day four, approaches. Each dawning of a new day brings with it new ideas, new hopes, new miracles. The idea: that handing the task of getting our PCs at work from the guy who is currently responsible (who has attracted various nicknames including "IN-Action Man", "The  ... [More]


Form 1 lane

It’s rare that I like graffiti. Okay, so some of it is quite impressive, but most of it is completely illegible nonsense. So to spot something that is simple, clever, and thought provoking makes a pleasant change. In Tooronga Road, Tooronga, just south of the station, there is a "FORM 1 LANE" sign. To the  ... [More]


Week eight

Week 8: No PC news. Meanwhile, our PC at home is having its monitor fixed. Weird lines were starting to appear on it. Either aliens were trying to tell us about their invasion and colonisation plans or the monitor needed some attention. Suspecting the latter, we called the computer shop, rather than try and contact  ... [More]