
El Ni-who?

It’s all over the news. The papers, the radio, the TV, the Web… what is it? No, not the Second Car Theory. The El Nino effect. Everybody’s talking about it. But… umm… What exactly is the El Nino effect? Okay, I know it’s some kind of weather anomaly, but none of the numerous stories about  ... [More]


Back to work

Well, I got back to work yesterday to find that my desk had moved. In fact the move had been on the cards for some time, and most of us believed it might never actually happen. Office relocations in big companies have a habit of being permanently on the drawing board, the actual event being  ... [More]


Bye Dan…

Well, today we said goodbye to my brother-in-law Daniel Boren after his two week stay here. Perhaps surprisingly there was no confusion with our names, since I insist on "Daniel", and he is generally known as "Dan". Just as well.


Zoo, pub, etc

Today our target was to show Dan just a few of the very bizarre animals that inhabit this wild, wide brown land of ours. So we set off for the zoo. We arrived reasonably early, and only had to queue at the gate for a minute or two – a stark contrast from the last  ... [More]


The best fish’n’chips in town

Today our target was to eat fish’n’chips. Not much of a target, you might think, but these were no ordinary fish, and certainly no ordinary chips. There is a fish’n’chips shop in Canterbury, a leafy suburb in Melbourne’s east, which according to a survey last year in The Age makes the second best fish’n’chips in  ... [More]


Thump your chest

Sunday was my most MANLY and BUTCH day in quite some time. Rounding up sheep and footy. Makes me want to beat my chest just thinking about it. Ug. It started out on the farm, Dan and I being invited to help with some sheep. The first step was to move the sheep to a  ... [More]

News and events Travel

The traditional country outing

Today we were country bound. A tradition, that we have (okay, so we’ve only done it done twice now, so it’s not much of a tradition), is to take our visiting American relatives up to our friends’ farm near Ballarat. They’re also American, and enjoy having their fellow countrymen to visit. Perhaps they do weird  ... [More]


The market, souvlaki, and a bloody long walk

Today our plan was to look at the Vic Market, to eat souvlaki, and to roam wherever we felt like roaming. But first we set out for the city, the first stop being a cruise around the shops in search of a rugby top for Dan. Dan likes rugby tops, and apparently they’re about as  ... [More]


Messing about in boats

On Thursday Dan and I set off for Southbank. Since Dan’s a bit of a boating nut, we thought we’d catch the ferry across the bay to glorious Williamstown, and check out the pier there, and get a look at the Enterprize replica. I remember years ago when there was very little at Southbank, other  ... [More]


Polly and the city

Today, after buying footy tickets for Sunday through the truly wondrous Ticketmaster/Bass Web site (which proved that high technology can overcome the monotony of queuing outside a ticket box or waiting on the phone for a lifetime – even if it does cost $6 extra per booking), we headed for the Polly Woodside museum. Dan’s  ... [More]


Groovy funky Carlton

It was Dan’s second day here, and we headed into groovy funky Carlton. We jumped out of the train at Museu… errr Melbourne Central and strolled up Swanston Street, along the way pointing out the RMIT students, who at the time had been occupying one of the university’s finance offices for a couple of weeks.  ... [More]

News and events


From time to time there’s a story so big on the news that it dominates everything else in the western world. Something you’ll remember in decades to come, and tell your offspring exactly where you were when you heard the news. For me it’s been the death of John Lennon (on the telly when I  ... [More]