transport TV

Caulfield station on TV in 1989

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

One day back in 1989 I was at Caulfield station when I noticed an old train at platform 1. They seemed to be filming something. People milling about on the platform appeared to be dressed in clothing to make them look like it was somewhere in Asia.

I don’t remember how I found out it was for the 1988-89 version of Mission: Impossible, which was filmed in Australia. This was some 7 years before the movie versions with Tom Cruise started.

The scene is in Season 2, Episode 5, an episode called Countdown.

First there’s a glimpse of the entrance to platform 1:

Caulfield station platform 1 entrance, seen in Mission Impossible. A vehicle drives up to the entrance.

…and our heroes enter onto the platform:

A monk and other characters enter a railway station in a scene from Mission Impossible, filmed at Caulfield Station.

There’s a glimpse between the carriages over to platform 2:

A character in Mission Impossible walks beside a train. Filmed at Caulfield station.

There’s a better view of platform 1 in this shot. Note the old school Next Train indicator on the right.

A scene from Mission Impossible filmed at Caulfield station

Here’s the platform from a similar-ish angle recently:

Caulfield station platform 1, in 2020

After the train leaves the station, we get a view of Steamrail’s K class loco 153, steaming through the countryside, with more characters sabotaging the signalling to stop the train. Maybe someone can recognise the location.

Steamrail engine K153 pulls a train in a scene from Mission Impossible
A man runs along a railway line in a scene from Mission Impossible filmed in Australia

If you’d like to see the video, there’s a copy on Youtube.

It’s 5 episodes edited together, but you can view the scene below. It starts from about 2h:54m:30s.

(A previous copy on Youtube was taken down due to a copyright claim, so this might eventually happen to this one too.)

These days they wouldn’t tie up a platform at Caulfield for filming. Even at a quiet time it would be impossible to do without major disruptions to regular services, given recent changes to the track layout.

In fact quiet times are few and far between. It’s busy every day, all day, and set to become even busier next year as a major interchange for the Metro tunnel… underscoring how badly the station needs an upgrade to increase capacity and provide accessibility compliant entrances to the platforms.

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

7 replies on “Caulfield station on TV in 1989”

I remember one episode, filmed outside Tullamarine airport, where the characters were meant to be in Europe catching a plane. A Westpac bank sign can be seen in the background!

I wish the tracks could have been laid out with a cross-platform transfer but I guess it would be complicated with the heritage overlay. Next best thing would be to add a bridge concourse over the station like in North Melbourne so passengers can transfer platforms more easily.

Caulfield station was also featured on TV in 1984 in Prisoner episode 489, where the station was renamed Rosewood. The ramps up to platform 1 are unmistakable though.

Absolutely Jacksons Ck viaduct. The first photo shows the train coming down the bank from Clarkefield approaching the viaduct. The second is looking the other way towards Sunbury; the signal is the Sunbury Up Distant. Rupertswood platform is just the other side of the signal

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