
Walking in Moorabbin

The tragic news of a pedestrian death in Moorabbin should spark action – but will it?

News and events

Lord Jesus Christ hit by a car

No, really. ‘Lord Jesus Christ’ struck by car in Northampton … Police responded at around 3:40 p.m. on Tuesday to investigate an incident where a pedestrian was struck by a vehicle while he was in a Main Street crosswalk, Savino said. The man was hurt, but conscious, and handed police his identification, Savino said. “He  ... [More]


Understandable reaction

A Melbourne “miracle baby” who escaped death when his pram rolled into the path of an oncoming train has celebrated his first birthday. No doubt, the baby was incredibly lucky not to be killed. If you haven’t seen it, check out the video — it’s just amazing. I hope the train driver, who I would  ... [More]

Consumerism driving Melbourne Politics and activism transport


It’s time for a cleanout of links and half-written/baked posts. Fascinating for MSM watchers A former Fairfax staffer is starting his own free magazine in collaboration with real estate agents and is expected to win millions in advertising revenue away from Fairfax. Webber’s nanny state During the recent furore over Mark Webber’s claims Victoria was  ... [More]