Health TMI

Double excision

From time to time some of my blog posts are about personal stuff, rather than the wider world. This is one of those posts. Yesterday was a day of excisions. I had many thousands of hairs excised from my head at the barber. Easy. And I got the lump taken out of my leg. You  ... [More]


The lump

I’ve got a small lump on my thigh. Not painful at all. Probably harmless, the GP said, but he wrote me a referral to get it removed. He asked if I private health insurance. Nope. I gave it up several years ago. It cost me thousands each year (and increasing) and rarely paid out anything  ... [More]

Health Politics and activism Ranting

Health insurance

The Medicare levy surcharge is, in my opinion, an stupid tax designed to force some people into getting private health insurance, whether they want it or not, by taxing them more than the cost of the premium if they don’t, all in order to subsidise the otherwise unprofitable private health industry. I earn enough to  ... [More]