

Last Saturday night I finally got to see Eraserhead. It was SBS’s cult movie of the week. Ummm… I get the distinct feeling that I may have wasted ninety minutes of my life watching this movie. At the end when the screen went white and the credits rolled, my mind reviewed the plot, and climactic  ... [More]



Sometimes I wonder if I’ve told you lot things already. Most of the amusing things that happen to me get related in here at one time or another, with or without a little artistic licence. Thankfully I can usually take a spin through the files for a few choice phrases to ensure I don’t repeat  ... [More]

Film Geek

To baldly go…

I saw "Star Trek – Generations" over the weekend. Great movie. But I’ll tell you what I want to know: Why do none of the spacecraft have seat belts? Whenever there’s a battle, whenever a ship crashes into the ground, all you see are people being thrown all over the place. They may have made  ... [More]

Film music

The seventies

I think I may be getting far too involved in this seventies revival thing. I blame the movies. I suppose the signs were there. Tapping my feet to the music in "Strictly Ballroom" a couple of years ago. But it’s getting worse. We saw "Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert" the other day. Very good film.  ... [More]