Well, on Tuesday morning a telephone guy came around, fiddled with a few things, tested it all out and officially opened the new Telephone Service To Daniel’s Desk. Hooray I thought, people can ring me. And they did. After only about an hour, I’d had four calls for someone else – a someone else who ... [More]
Author: Daniel Bowen
Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.
Greg and me
Phone update: Nope. Last night the girl at Safeway kept staring at me while we were queuing at the checkout. Personally, I can’t help notice these things, in fact I usually think someone’s staring at me when nobody is. She definitely was though. What could it be? Had my double been on Australia’s Most Wanted ... [More]
The art of refuse disposal
I’ve talked before about my neighbours, and their odd ideas about refuse disposal. Well, now someone’s decided to start clearing out some of the furniture and put it out on the street, someone else has decided it shouldn’t be on the street (and it shouldn’t), and the result is that there’s now an armchair in ... [More]
Well, both Tuesday and Wednesday came and went, and in fact it’s Friday and the phone hasn’t arrived on my desk. Or to be more accurate, the phone is there, as it has been all along, but it’s not connected. Actually, to be completely accurate, it’s connected to the wall, but somewhere in the guts ... [More]
Spend the Money
The great End-Of-The-Tax-Year-Quick-Let’s-Spend-The-Money hardware binge continues. Next card off the rank and into the PC is a video capture board. Cool, so now I’ll be able to put snippets of video and pictures all over the web pages. If I can get the thing to work, that is! I think the next thing, if the ... [More]
Free money!
In the world today, some countries are thriving… some are not. For those that are not, there are many signs… civil war and unrest… starvation, famine… drought, flood… But what would be the most insulting and humiliating thing for a country? I’ll tell you what: Their currency being given away free in Corn Flakes packets. ... [More]
Messing around with hardware
Well, I just finished putting my computer back together after minor surgery. It’s a little intimidating for someone like me, who’s used to messing around with software configurations, installations, palpitations and exasperations, but not so used to opening up the lid and rummaging around inside the box. I’m a software geek, not a hardware geek. ... [More]
Sales pitch of the week
I’m sure advertising is an art. Inducing people into handing over their precious dosh in return for whatever crap you happen to be selling must be quite difficult – which is probably why advertising types always seem to be rolling in it. At least, the good ones probably are. The good ones being those who ... [More]
Bad hair year
It seems I’m not updating my diary as much as I’d like to – obviously the consequence of having a job where I’m not at home three quarters of the time, and have to do some actual, real, genuine work. Looking in the mirror this morning I suddenly noticed how much grey hair I have. ... [More]
We’re all geeks
All in all, the week’s been good. Work’s going okay, I’ve finally just about almost got a little bit of a grip on what we’re all meant to be doing. I finally got the guided tour of the office, and was introduced to everybody – at least, everybody that the guy I’m working with could ... [More]
Well, I got a key. No more hanging around the lifts at work waiting for other people to arrive and following them in trying not to look suspicious. But I lost my phone. Kinda ironic since I’m working at a phone company. But that’s okay, my mobile phone is close at hand, and it even ... [More]
Somewhere up in the clouds, hundreds of feet above the ground, that’s where you’ll find me during working hours. My new job is up on the 27th floor. Although I don’t have a window seat, the view is terrific. But being so high up means getting used to express lifts. It genuinely frightens me that ... [More]