
An icon is gone

9am. I just heard that theSt Kilda Pier Kiosk burnt down overnight. Memories of the pier have come flooding back to me. It won’t be the same there with it gone.

Doctor Who

He’s back (Who’s back?)

He’s back… Is Doctor Who just for kids? It’s something I vehemently denied in my teenage years, when I was an avid viewer. It seemed far too cool to be a kids’ show. But with the venerable time lord about to return to our screens next Monday, and my own kids utterly hooked on the  ... [More]


Going mainstream

Okay, cloth bags are definitely going mainstream. On Saturday I went for a haircut at my usual barber. I’m definitely going to have to study the football before going next time – he talked almost non-stop about it and I was barely able to contribute anything other than make agreeable noises and bemoan the fact  ... [More]



So there was this Volvo right behind me as I drove down Grange Road. The woman driving it was trying her best to live up to theVolvo tradition – weaving all over road, trying to see if she could overtake me on the inside, for a couple of Ks down Grange Road. We got to  ... [More]


I’m tempted

I’m tempted when in the street being asked if I have change, replying "no, I haven’t", and handing over a $20 note. I’m tempted to stick "Keep left unless overtaking" signs on the escalators at Parliament station so the 2% of people who haven’t worked out escalator etiquette will get the hell out of my  ... [More]



It began fifteen years ago with Abbey Road, the first CD I bought. Over the weekend I spent a few minutes sorting my collection of around 350 music CDs. They’d been in something of a chaotic state since the move, which tended to minimise the chances of finding anything I wanted to play. Sometimes a  ... [More]


Be alert, not bloody paranoid

Most days I make a sandwich for lunch, which I eat at my desk while reading the newspaper. And sometimes to accompany the sandwich I’ll nip downstairs to the 7-11 across the street for a fruit juice and a little fresh air. I did so today, and around 12:30 I found myself, juice in hand,  ... [More]