Doctor Who Working life

New blood / Meanwhile in television land

Following the departure of Mr Speakerphone and numerous others around the floor, the new blood has started to arrive. As yesterday morning one bloke had already positioned himself in the office next to my desk. No sooner had I arrived than I found him starting up a speakerphone conversation with someone to find a meeting  ... [More]


Shoes, Woolf, movies and snow

The semi-traditional weekend update. On Friday night I bought some shoes. This is something of an achievement, as I am majorly crap at buying shoes. I’m better at buying clothes than I was, but the shoe-buying skill still eludes me somewhat. It had to happen though – my usual work shoes, having put up for  ... [More]



Click. Beeeeeeeeep. Someone pushes the door open and we pour out of the train, onto the platform and start towards the exit, a narrow gap between a ticket validator and the wall. Stop! A lady is entering the platform to get on the train. She passes and the throng continues on, somehow orderly squeezing ourselves  ... [More]